Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Syllabus for Physics 445

I have listed below the main topics of the course. The dates are a rough guide to the amount of time we'll spend on each topic. It is possible that some topics may be compressed or expanded as the course evolves.

Week 1: Basic knowledge of the sky
astronomical coordinate systems
the many different kinds of time
photometric systems and colors
extinction, seeing and other real-life complications
Week 2: Planning an observing run
ephemerides and tools for making finding charts
astronomical catalogs
planetarium programs
Week 3: Telescopes and Cameras
the RIT telescopes
introduction to CCDs
CCDs: The Dark Side
Using Mac lab computers to analyze images
Week 4: Noise properties of CCDs
Sample project ideas (a brief digression)
Analyzing dark frames from Sep 25, 2003
Hot pixels and cosmic rays
Median dark frames
Flatfield images
Week 5: Planning for your observing runs ( note Gosnell Mac lab unavailable this week between 4-5 PM )
Planning an observing run
Signal versus Noise (some theory)
Signal versus Noise, with illustrations
Weeks 6: Putting it all together
CCD Gain
Simple aperture photometry by hand
The Astronomical Literature
The Typical Reduction Procedure
Week 7: Data Analysis
Placing CCD photometry on a standard system
Looking for the period
Weeks 8, 9: Stuff they don't teach in any courses
What if the period isn't quite right?
Poster basics
Writing your own scientific paper
Weeks 9-10: Doing your project
making a poster

This page maintained by Michael Richmond. Last modified Oct 2, 2003.

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.