1. The Aurora, by M. A. Veeder; Biological Examination of Potable Water, by G. W. Rafter; The Fungi of Western New York, by C. E. Fairman; The Forces Concerned in the Development of Storms, by M. A. Veeder; The Recent Endemic of Typhoid Fever at Springwater, N.Y., considered with Special Reference to Its Cause, and the Contamination of the Rochester Water Supply which Might Result Therefrom, by G. W. Rafter and M. L. Mallory Description of New Meteorites, by E. E. Howells. - 1890

2. Notes on the Occurrence of Mesodon Sayii, by John Walton; Root Foods of the Seneca Indians, by G. H. Harris; New Species of Muricidae, with Remarks on the Apices of Certain Forms, by F. C. Baker; The Zodiacal Light, by M. A. Veeder; Notes on Mexican Archaeology, by F. W. Warner; Catalogue and Synonomy of the Recent Species of the Family Muricidae, by F. C. Baker; Analyses of Kamacite, Taenite and Plessite from the Welland Meteorite Iron, by John M. Davison; A Section of the Strata at Rochester, N.Y., as Shown by a Deep Boring, by H. L. Fairchild; A List of the Indigenous Ferns of the Vicinity of Rochester, by C. W. Seeley; On the Separation and Study of the Heavy Accessories of Rocks, by 0. A. Derby. - 1891

1. The Mollusca of Monroe County, N.Y., by John Walton; Notes on a Collection of Shells from the Mauritius, with a Consideration of the Genus Magilus of Montfort, by F. C. Baker; The Thickness of the Devonian and Silurian Rocks of Western New York Approximately along the Line of the Genesee River, by C. S. Prosser; Preliminary Notice of the Discovery of the Guelph Formation in Rochester, N.Y., by A. L. Arey; The Auroras of January, 1892, by M. A. Veeder. - 1892

2. On the Brachial Apparatus of the Hinged Brachiopoda and on their Phylogeny, by H. S. Williams; On the Separation of Minerals of High Specific Gravity, by E. W. Dafert and 0. A. Derby; Thunderstorms, by M. A. Veeder; Preliminary Note of a New Meteorite from Kenton County, Kentucky, by H. L. Preston; Hymenomyceteae of Orleans County, N.Y., by C. E. Fairman; Variation of Ray-flowers of Rudbeckia Hirta, by Florence Beckwith; Preliminary Notice of a New Meteorite from Japan, by H. A. Ward; Eskers Near Rochester, N.Y., by Warren Upham. - 1893

3. The Evolution of the Ungulate Mammals, by H. L. Fairchild; The Geological History of Rochester, N.Y., by H. L. Fairchild; The Mechanical Problems Involved in Improved Canal Navigation, by F. W. Warner; Solar Electrical Energy Not Transmitted by Radiation, by M. A. Veeder; Circular Inversion and Its Bearing on the Peaucellier Cell and the Straight Line, by A. L. Baker; The Length of Geologic Time, by H. L. Fairchild; The Recent Epidemic of Typhoid Fever in Buffalo, by S. S. Lattimore; The Pitch Lake of Trinidad, by Adelbert Cronise; Notes on Ophidians of the Southern States, by F. W. Warner. - 1894

4. (Continuation of) Ophidians of the Southern States, by F. W. Warner; On Volvox Globator, by A. M. Dumond; The Flora of Long Pond, by A. M. Searing. - 1895

1. Plants of Monroe County, N.Y. and Adjacent Territory, by Florence Beckwith and M. E. Macauley, assisted by J. B. Fuller. - 1896

2. Graphic Imaginaries, by A. L. Baker; Directed Magnitudes, by A. L. Baker; The Geology of the Pinnacle Hills, by H. L. Fairchild; The Pinnacle Peat Marsh by H. L. Fairchild and E. G. Barnum; Puff Balls, Slime Moulds and Cup-fungi of Orleans County, N.Y., by C. E. Fairchild; The Climatology of Rochester, by Orin Parker. - 1900

3. The Geology of Irondequoit Bay, by H. L. Fairchild; A New Method of Etching Iron Meteorites, with Special Adaptation for Photographic or Plate Purposes, by H. L. Preston; The Predecessors of Niagara, by H. L. Fairchild; Cyclonic Storms and Rochester Weather, by H. L. Fairchild; History and Work of the Rochester Academy of Science, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1900

1. Birds of Western New York, by E. H. Eaton. - 1901.

2. The St. Genevieve Meteorite, by H. A. Ward. - 1901

3. Bacubirito; or. The Great Meteorite of Sinaloa, Mexico, by H. A. Ward. - 1902

4. Franceville Meteorite, by H. L. Preston. 1902

5. Description of Four Meteorites (Andover, Cuernavaca, Arispe, Bald Eagle), by H. A.1. by H. A. Ward. - 1904

6. Reed City Meteorite, by H. L. Preston. - 1903

7. Crataegus in Rochester, by C. S. Sargent. - 1903

8. Williamette Meteorite, by H. A. Ward. - 1904

9. Great Meteorite Collections and Their Composition,

10. The Pyrenomyceteae of Orleans County, N.Y., by C. E. Fairman. - 1905

11. Bath Furnace Aerolite, by H. A. Ward. - 1905

12. Arthrophycus and Daedalus of Burrow Origin; Preliminary Note on the Nature of Taonurus, by C. J. Sarle. - 1906

13. New or Rare Pyrenomyceteae from Western New York, by C. E. Fairman. - 1906

14. Three New Chilean Meteorites, by H. A. Ward. - 1906

Vol. 4 Index 1902-1910: Title Page, Contents, Index; Officers, Members, List of Papers 1902-1910. - 1911

1. Plants of Monroe County, New York, and Adjacent Territory: Supplementary List, by Florence Beckwith, M. E. Macauley and M. S. Baxter. - 1910.

2. Early Botanists of Rochester and Vicinity, and the Botanical Section, by Florence Beckwith. - 1912.

3. Plants of Monroe County, New York, and Adjacent Territory: Second Supplementary List, by Florence Beckwith, M. E. Macauley and M. S. Baxter; Hymenomyceteae of Rochester and Vicinity, by F. S. Boughton. - 1917

4. The Lake Deposits and Evolution of the Lower Irondequoit Valley, by G. H. Chadwick. - 1917.

5. Eskers in the Vicinity of Rochester, New York, by A. W. Giles. - 1918.

6. Biographic Memoirs of Deceased Fellows, Henry A. Ward, G. K. Gilbert and 10 others; Officers, Members, Lists of Papers 1911-1919; Title Page, Contents, Index. - 1919.

Vol. 5 June 1910-Dec 1918: Officers and Index to Vol. 5

1. The Rochester Canyon and the Genesee River Base-Levels, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1919.

2. Minerals in the Niagara Limestone of Western New York, by A. W. Giles. - 1920.

3. The Fungi of Our Common Nuts and Pits, by C. E. Fairman. - 1921, Out of print.

4. New or Rare Fungi from Various Localities, by C. E. Fairman. - 1922

5. The Pinnacle Hills or The Rochester Kame-moraine, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1923

6. The Mendon Kame Area, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1926

7. The Dansville Valley and Drainage History of Western New York, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1926

8. Aboriginal Cultures and Chronology of the Genesee Country, by A. C. Parker. - 1929

Vol.6 Title Page, Officers of the Academy and of the Sections, Contents, Lists of Papers Read, Membership, Index. - 1929

1. New York Drumlins, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1929

2. Arboriculture at Rochester, N.Y., by Milton S. Baxter and Thomas P. Maloy. - 1932

3. History and Engineering of Rochester's Water Supply in Its First Century, by Edwin A. Fisher. - 1932

4. New York Physiography and Glaciology West of the Genesee Valley, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1932

5. The Richmond Mastodon, by John T. Sanford. - 1935

6. Genesee Valley Hydrography and Drainage, by H. L Fairchild. - 1935

7. Petrology of the Niagara Gorge Sediments, by H. L. Ailing; New York Geographic Puzzle, by H. L. Fairchild. - 1937

8. The Bergen Swamp, an Ecological Study, by Paul A . Stewart and William D. Merrell. - 1937

   Vol. 7 No 8-errata-Aug 1937

Vol. 7 Title Page, Officers of the Academy and of the Sections, Contents. 1941

1. Species of Fireflies in Jamaica, by H. S. Barber; Studies on the Firefly, by John B. Buck; Selective Effect of Climate on the Flowering Behavior of Solidago Sempervirens, by Richard H. Goodwin; A Respiratory Study of Barley Grain and Seedlings, by James Merry and David R. Goddard. - 1941

2-3. Studies in the Geography of Population Change, Canandaigua Lake Region, New York, by Robert B. Simpson. - 1942

4. Early Botanists of Rochester and Vicinity and the Botanical Section, Part II, by Anna B. Suydam; Mathematical Analysis of the Relative Growth of Organisms, by Arthur J. Kavanagh and Oscar W. Richard A Review of the Snake, Genus Adelphicos, by Hobart X. Smith; Remarks on the Mexican King Snakes of the Triangulum Group, by Hobart M. Smith; William Bart ram's Names of Birds, by Francis Harper. - 1942.

5-6. The Flora of Mendon Pond Park, Richard H. Goodwin; Notes on the Flora of Monroe County, Shanks & Goodwin. - 1943.

Vol. 8. Title Page, Contents. 1941- 1943

1. Herman Leroy Fairchild, Geologist, by J. Edward Hoffmeister; Quantitative Petrology of the Genesee Gorge Sediments, by Harold L. Ailing; The Vegetation of Bergen Swamp: I. The Vascular Plants, by Walter C. Muenscher. - 1946

2. The Vegetation of Bergen Swamp: II. The Epiphytic Plants, by Babette I. Brown; III. The Myxomycetes, by Walter C. Muenscher; Notes on the Equilibrium of Tropical Aquarium Fishes and Their Perception of Color, by H. Lou Gibson; News and Notes. - 1948

3. The Phalangida (Opiliones) of New York, by Sherman C. Bishop. - 1949

4. The Vegetation of Bergen Swamp: IV. The Algae, by Arland T. Hotchkiss; V. The Diatoms (Bacillarieae), by Matthew H. Hohn; VI. The Fungi, by Clark T. Rogerson and Walter C. Muenscher; VII. The Bryophytes, by William T. Winne. - 1950

5-6. Sherman C. Bishop: 1887-1951, . The Vegetation of Bergen Swamp: VIII. The Lichens, by Babette I. Brown; IX. Supplements, by Walter C. Muenscher; Stratigraphy and Structure of the Batavia Quadrangle, by Robert G. Sutton; The Plankton Algae of the Southeast End of Chautauqua Lake, by Bernice McKean Giebner. - 1951, Out of print

Vol. 9 Title page, Contents. 1946 - 1951

1-2. Two Studies Concerning the Levels of the Great Lakes, by M. E. Bingeman; Plantae Durobrivensis I, Sorbus domestica, L. forma pyrifera (Rayne) Rehd., by Bernard Harkness; Notes on Astronomical Photography, by Paul W. Davis; Egg Gigantism, Ovi-position, and Genital Anatomy: Their bearing on the biology and phylogenetic position of Orussus (Hymenoptera: Siricoidea), by Kenneth W. Cooper; The Cyperaceae of Monroe and Adjacent Counties, New York, by Warren A. Matthews and Douglas M. White. - 1953

3. Warren Archer Matthews, 1887-1956, The Tabanidae of New York, by L. L. Pechuman, - 1957

4. A Study of the Fresh-water Crustacea (Exclusive of the Copepoda) of the Rochester Area, by Alice A. Larsen; Honors in the Rochester Academy of Science. - 1959

5. Heavy Minerals in Glacial Drift of Western New York, by G. Gordon Connally, M.S.; Rochester Moonwatch 1959 Annual Report; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1959, 1960. - 1960

6. A List of Aphids of New York by Mortimer Demarest Leonard, Ph.D.; Fred Raetz; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1962. - 1963.

Vol. 10 Table of Contents 1953 - 1957

1. The Bird in Seneca Archaeology, by Charles Foster Wray; Notes on Bird Photography, by H. Lou Gibson, FRAS; The Christmas Bird Census in Rochester, 1902-1963, by Richard T. O'Hara; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1961, 1963. - 1964

2. Rochester Area Log Ferns (Dryopteris Celsa) and their Hybrids, by W. H. Wagner, Jr. and F. S. Wagner; Changes in the Level of Lake Ontario as Inferred from Offshore Sediments at Braddock Heights, N.Y., by R. G. Sutton, N. A. Rukavina and E. L. Towle; Experiments in Conducting a Mushroom Field Course, by Leo J. Tanghe, Ph.D.; An Abstract of the Scientific Method as Presented in Science Textbooks and as Described by Eminent Scientists, by Ernest D. Riggsby; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1964, 1965. - 1965

3. Royal Eastman Shanks, 1912-1962; An Ecological Survey of the Vegetation of Monroe County, N.Y., by Royal E. Chanks; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1966. - 1966

4. Supplement to "A List of Aphids of New York" 1961-1966, by Mortimer Demarest Leonard, Ph.D.; Notes on Aphil Invasions and Explosions, by H. Lou Gibson, FRAS; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1967. - 1967

1. Table of Contents; Studies on the Plants of the Genesee Country (Western New York State): 1. Prospectus for a Flora of the Genesee Country, by Elwood B. Ehrle and Babette B. Coleman; 2. A Description of the Genesee Country, by Babette B. Coleman and Elwood B. Ehrle; 3. A Pollen Profile from Kennedy's Bog in Mendon Ponds Park, by Donald Yeager; 4. The Genus Lycopodium in Livingston County, New York, by Donald F. Hachten and Elwood B. Ehrle; 5. The Spring Flowering Plants of Letchworth State Park, by Patricia A. Miller and Elwood B. Ehrle; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1968-69; Back Numbers of the Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science. - 1969

2. Table of Contents; Phoresy by North and Central American Pseudoscorpions, by William B. Muchmore; Plant Community Development in Bergen Swamp, by Clarence W.. Gehris: Studies on the Plants of the Genesee Country (Western New York State): 6. The Aquatic Flora of Conesus Lake, by H. S. Forest and E. L. Mills; 7. The Ferns of Livingston County, New York, by David P. Golden and Elwood B. Ehrle; 8. Algae of Conesus Lake, Livingston County, New York: Initial Report, by P. G. Savard and D. N. Bodine; Some Aspects of the Ecology of Orleans County, New York, by Evelyn Lyman and Babett B. Coleman; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1971*, Officers. - 1971. * Citations inadvertently listed as read in 1970.

3. Table of Contents; Studies on the Plants of the Genesee Country (Western New York State): 10. The Vascular Plants and Ecological Factors Along a Transect in Bergen-Byron Swamp, by Ronald S. Walker; The Effects of Rotenone on Certain Fish Food Crustaceans, by Francis J. Claffey and Robert R. Costa; A Biological Survey of the Upper Tonawanda Creek Relative to a Proposal of Impoundment, by Bernard A. Marcus and Frank J. Little, Jr.; Leroy Lagune, A Limnological Study of a Lake on the Campus of Monroe Community College, by Grace L. Murray; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1970, 1972, 1973, Officers. - 1974

4. Abstracts of Papers presented at First Annual Autumn Session Day for Scientific Papers, SUNY at Geneseo, Geneseo, New York, October 1974; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1975, Officers.

1. Table of Contents; Some Selected References for Fossil Collecting Sites in the Rochester, New York Area, by Nina Lockwood; Some Observations on the Persistence and Changes in Green Teratologic Forms of Trilliums, by H. Lou Gibson; A Study of the Gastropods of Conesus Lake, Livingston County, New York, by Carey E. Vasey and Jean Q. Wade; Abstracts of Papers, Second Annual Day for Scientific Papers, State University College at Brockport, New York, November 1975; Citations in the Rochester Academy of Science, 1974, 1976, Officers.- 1976

2. Abstracts of Papers presented at Third Annual Scientific Paper Session, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York; October 1976; Officers. - 1980.

3. Abstracts of Papers presented at Fourth Annual Scientific Paper Session, Monroe Community College, Rochester, New York, November 1977; Citations; Officers. - 1980.

4. Abstracts of Papers presented at Fifth Annual Scientific Paper Session, SUNY at Geneseo, Geneseo, New York, November 1978; Citations; Officers; Invitation to RAS Centennial Program. - 1980.

(Vol. 13, No.'s 2, 3, 4 bound together)

1. Centennial Issue - History of the Academy; The First Hundred Years by Reginald Hartwell; Officers; Honorary Members; Fellows; Histories of Academy Sections; Chairmen of Sections. - 1981.

2. Special Edition - Studies of Pollution Control in a Lakefront Community: 1964-1981, from Bulletins of the Rochester Committee for Scientific Information and Contemporary Press Reports. - 1982.

3. Abstracts of Papers presented at Sixth Annual Scientific Paper Session, Community College of the Finger Lakes, Canandaigua, New York, November 1979. - 1983.

4. Abstracts of Papers presented at Seventh Annual Scientific Paper Session, Nazareth College, Rochester, New York, November 1980. - 1983.

5. Abstracts of Papers presented at Eigth Annual Scientific Paper Session, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, November 1981. - 1983.

(Vol 14 No.'s 3, 4, 5 bound together)

1. Annual Fall Public Lecture, "Food, Energy and the Future," by David Pimentel; Abstracts of Papers presented at Ninth Annual Scientific Paper Session, State University of New York, College at Brockport, New York, November 1982; Officers. - 1982.

2. Centennial Colloquium Issue: Geology of the Genesee Region of New York Since H. L. Fairchild. - 1983.

3. Table of Contents; Aquatic Flowering Plants in the Genesee Valley Region, Western New York , by H. S. Forest, S. R. Rugenstein and E. L. Mills; Vascular Plant Communities of the Thousand Acre Swamp, Penfield, Monroe County, N.Y., by B. Gilman, M. J. Wentland; Cytochemical Tests of Acid Phosphatase Secretion by Carnivorous Plants, by R. E. Stauffer; Dunbar's Noteworthy Trees of Rochester and Vicinity Revisited After 60 years (with notes on other unusual specimens), by J. L. Orbison; Fishes in the Barge Canal and Tributary Waters of Central and Western N.Y. by P. M. Sawyko; Trematode Parasites of the Fishes of Mc Cargo Lake, Orleans County, N.Y., by R. R. Costa and Richard Schunk; Studies in the Gastropods of Conesus Lake, Livingston County, N.Y., II. Identification Occurrence and Ecology of Species, by J. Q. Wade; IBID. III, Endozoic and Parasitic Organisms Obtained from Gastropods, by J. Q. Wade; Honors - Fellows and Honorary Members; List of Officers. - 1985.

1. The Birds of Monroe County, New York; Annotated List - 1985.

2. Abstracts of Papers presented at Tenth Annual Scientific Paper Session, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York; November 1983; - 1987.
3. Abstracts of Papers presented at Eleventh Annual Scientific Paper Session, Rochester Museum and Science Center, Rochester, New York; September 1984 -1987.
4. Abstracts of Papers presented at Twelfth Annual Scientific Paper Session; Monroe Community College. Rochester, New York; November 1985 -1987.
(Nos. 2. 3, 4 bound together - includes Officers and Recent Fellows)

VOLUME 17 - No.s 1,2,3 bound together
1. Wetlands and Aquatic Studies: Zurich Bog (R. Eliot Stauffer & Dean Moosavi), Byron-Bergen Swamp (Franz K. Seischab & John M. Bernard), Fish Community (Richard Monheimer, Thomas Engel & Carl J. George), Hellbender Populations (Richard C. Bothner & Jeffrey A. Gottlieb).
2. Plant Community Types: Western Finger Lakes Region (C. L. Mohler)
3. Fall Scientific Paper Sessions: 1986 through 1990; Titles, Authors, Selected Papers
a. 1986 Community College of the Finger Lakes
b. 1987 SUNY College at Geneseo
c. 1988 Nazareth College
d. 1989 SUNY College at Brockport
e. 1990 St. John Fisher College
Academy Officers and Recent Fellows

VOLUME 18 (No.s 1-3 bound together)
1. Flora and Vegetation of Irondequoit Creek Wetlands (John M. Bernard, Franz K. Seischab & William Coon)
2. Herman Leroy Fairchild: An Early Promoter and Defender of Meteorite Impact Cratering (Jutta Siefert Dudley)
3. Fall Scientific Paper Sessions: 1992 through 1998; Titles, Authors, Abstracts
1991 Hobart and William Smith Colleges
1992 Rochester Institute of Technology
1993 Finger Lakes Community College
1994 Nazareth College
1995 Monroe Community College
1996 SUNY College at Brockport
1997 St. John Fisher College
Academy Officers and Fellows: 1992-1998

4. The Birds of Livingston County, New York. By Kurt A. Fox

VOLUME 19 (No.s 1-3 bound together)   (Smaller file -- lower resolution)
1. The Vascular Plants of the Bergen Swamp, or "Muenscher, revisited." Franz K. Seischab
2. Flora of the Allegany State Park Region: an Update. Franz K. Seischab
3. Fall Scientific Paper Sessions: 1998-2001. Titles, Authors, Abstracts
a. 1998 25th at SUNY College at Geneseo
b. 1999 26th at Finger Lakes Community College
c. 2000 27th at Roberts Wesleyan College
d. 2001 28th at Nazareth College
Academy Officers and Fellows: 1998-2002

VOLUME 20 (No.s 1-3 bound together)   (Smaller file -- lower resolution)
1. A Hiscock Primer by Richard S. Laub
2. Genesee Valley Glacial and Postglacial Geology from 50,000 Years Ago to the Present: A Selective Annotated Review by Richard A. Young
3. Fall Scientific Paper Sessions: 2002-2011. Titles, Authors, Abstracts.
a. 2002 29th at SUNY College at Brockport Pages 26-36
b. 2003 30th at Rochester Institute of Technology Pages 37-55
c. 2004 31st at Monroe Community College Pages 56-76
d. 2005 32nd at Finger Lakes Community College Pages 77-103
e. 2006 33rd at St. John Fisher College Pages 104-133
f. 2007 34th at SUNY College at Geneseo Pages 134-166
g. 2008 35th at Nazareth College Pages 167-195
h. 2009 36th at Roberts Wesleyan College Pages 196-233
i. 2010 37th at Rochester Institute of Technology Pages 234-278
j. 2011 38th at Monroe Community College pages 279-324
Academy Officers: 2002-2012
Recently Elected Fellows: 2002-2011

VOLUME 21 Vol 21, Numbers 1,2,3,4,5 (bound together)
1. A brief update on the status of the American Chestnut in North America
2. Remnant American Chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh.) borkh.; fagaceae) in upland forests of Western New York
3. Frog populations in Mendon Ponds Park (Monroe County, New York): A 15-year study of the abundance and phenology of frog calls
4. Western New York's (WNY's) five climate zones
5. Fall scientific paper sessions: 2012-2019: Titles, Authors, Abstracts, Academy officers and fellows: 2013-2020