Test data from Tom Droege's triplet, taken Feb 1997

Tom Droege has graciously made available for general consumption a set of images taken with his triplet on several nights during February, 1997. I have tried to gather together the images themselves, and as many different reductions of them as I could find.

Table of contents.

Here's a table of the images, with dates, times, filters, etc.

#     H = high galactic latitude
#     L = low galactic latitude
# the "RA" and "Dec" values are at the rough center of each image
#                                                                         pixel
# name           date       time    camera    RA      Dec    sky   skysig FWHM
g0483967.fts  03-02-1997  11:13:48   0 I  H 202.34  -1.90   -27918    55   3.4
g0483977.fts  03-02-1997  11:27:04   0 I  H 205.67  -1.90   -28511    50   3.5
g0493669.fts  13-02-1997  04:03:37   0 I  L 104.16  -1.88   -27710   104   3.6
g0493678.fts  13-02-1997  04:16:53   0 I  L 107.49  -1.87   -27665   112   3.5
g0493946.fts  13-02-1997  10:42:37   0 I  H 204.18  -1.89   -28030    48   3.3
g0493955.fts  13-02-1997  10:55:55   0 I  H 207.52  -1.89   -27982    49   3.2
g1493669.fts  13-02-1997  04:03:37   1 V  L 119.10  -1.04   -25080   185   2.3
g1493678.fts  13-02-1997  04:16:53   1 V  L 122.42  -1.04   -25075   191   2.4
g1493946.fts  13-02-1997  10:42:37   1 V  H 219.13  -1.04   -26547    46   2.6
g1493955.fts  13-02-1997  10:55:55   1 V  H 222.46  -1.04   -26539    46   2.5

g2483921.fts  03-02-1997  10:07:23   2 I  H 199.54  -0.79   -28884    49   3.5
g2483931.fts  03-02-1997  10:20:42   2 I  H 202.90  -0.79   -28869    45   3.8
g2493623.fts  13-02-1997  02:57:18   2 I  L 101.40  -0.76   -26748    82   4.4
g2493900.fts  13-02-1997  09:36:02   2 I  H 201.36  -0.77   -28082    48   3.7
g2493909.fts  13-02-1997  09:49:22   2 I  H 204.71  -0.77   -28010    56   3.8

Raw images

Click on any to download the raw FITS image.

Deeper image from the Palomar Sky Survey

Since several people have asked about "completeness", I have grabbed an image from the Digitized Sky Survey CD-Roms which falls within one of our fields. The images g0493946 and g2493909 should both contain this portion of the POSS. The POSS sub-section has central RA 13h 40m = 205 degrees, and central Dec -1 degree. It is about 90x90 arcminutes in size.

This image has since been deleted ... sorry.

The GIF images displayed below have North at left, East down (similar to TASS images when they are displayed simply). The entire 90x90 arcminute subsection is shown below -- you can click on it to download a larger GIF image (about 450K).

A closeup of the "middle-top" area of the image above, which goes down to the resolution of the original POSS photograph, is shown below. It covers only about 25x25 arcminutes. Note several plate defects! You can click on it to download a larger GIF image (about 460K).

Mike Gutzwiller's star lists

Mike Gutzwiller has detected and measured the properties of stars in these images. His files are ASCII text lists containing info on one star per line; the positions are in pixels, and the magnitudes may be calibrated to values in the SAO catalog. You can read a document describing the data format in Mike Gutzwiller's lists.

Michael Richmond's star lists

Michael Richmond has analyzed these images, too. You can read a description of his work in Technical Note 25. You can grab either the "raw" star lists, which have positions in (row, col), and "instrumental" magnitudes, or "reduced" star lists, which have position in (RA, Dec) equinox 2000, and magnitude calibrated against Landolt standards. Each star list contains a "header" which describes its data format. There are two errors in the star lists:

   image                      raw                reduced
   g0483967              g0483967.pht         g0483967.ast
   g0483977              g0483977.pht         g0483977.ast
   g0493669              g0493669.pht         g0493669.ast
   g0493678              g0493678.pht         g0493678.ast
   g0493946              g0493946.pht         g0493946.ast
   g0493955              g0493955.pht         g0493955.ast
   g1493669              g1493669.pht         g1493669.ast
   g1493678              g1493678.pht         g1493678.ast
   g1493946              g1493946.pht         g1493946.ast
   g1493955              g1493955.pht         g1493955.ast
   g2483921              g2483921.pht         g2483921.ast
   g2483931              g2483931.pht         g2483931.ast
   g2493623              g2493623.pht         g2493623.ast
   g2493900              g2493900.pht         g2493900.ast
   g2493909              g2493909.pht         g2493909.ast

Glenn Gombert's star lists

Glenn Gombert has detected and measured the properties of stars in these images. His files are ASCII text lists containing info on one star per line; the positions are in pixels; I'm not sure if the magnitudes have been calibrated against any standards. You can read a document describing the data format in Glenn Gombert's lists. You can also read Glenn's measurement of FWHM in each image.

Glenn has also produced catalogs with astrometric positions for each star detected in the images.

Glenn has written a note on using WCS parameters in a FITS header, and made a catalog of stars in image g0493946 with calibrated RA and Dec.

Glenn has made a plot showing the variation in PSF over the image "G2493909.fts". You can click on the thumbnail below to see a larger version.

Arne Henden's analysis

Arne Henden has concentrated on the astrometric performance of the images. You should read Arne Henden's report on the images.

Herb Johnson's comparison of star lists

Herb Johnson has compared stars list of the same field which were produced by different people. You should read

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