I just uploaded to Storm /incoming the reduced "raw" star-lists of the data that Tom posted to Storm last week. The file is called "rawstar.zip" and contains the following files:
File Name: Number of Objects Detected: R0483967.CAT 883 R0483977.CAT 787 R0493669.CAT 2819 R0493678.CAT 2932 R0493995.CAT 873 R1493669.CAT 2696 R1493678.CAT 2503 R1493946.CAT 830 R2483926.CAT 924 R2493623.CAT 2432 G2483931.CAT 987 G2493900.CAT 849 G2493909.CAT 852
The format of the star-lists is as follows:
I have modified the following to conform to the actual data files which Glenn has provided. I hope that I've guessed correctly. MWR 3/1/1997.
ID X_Pos Y_Pos Aperture_Mag Star_FWHM Local_Backgroundwhere the "Local_Background" is in ADU.
I have also included the Sextractor parameter file that was used to make the above measurments if anyone is interested in repeating the above. It might be a good place to stat.
I will try and complete the Astrometric reduction of the above images as time permits over the next several days..
The above files should be interesting for comparison purposes. I would like to add this to the "data collection" on the TASS Home Page.