Deriving positions for stars in one of Tom's fields

Glenn Gombert
Feb 27, 1997

Tonight I have completed the data reduction of Tom's Image G1493946.FTS and uploaded a complete catalog of the image to Storm. The catalog is called C1t0493.946

It show how RA and DEC can be calculated directly from the WCS Parameters in the FITS Image Header of a TASS Image. The output from the program that calcualtes the WCS parameters is at the bottom on the star-list.

As can be seen 19 out of 25 stars aligned between the image and the Hubble Guide Star Catalog stars which indicated good agreement between the two. Also the stellar magnitudes that are calculated agree within +/- 0.2 magnitude or so. As Arne has pointed out these do not serve as good photometric standards but they serve as one "metric" as to how well the magnitudes were calculated as compared with the HGSC data.

I will try and post a detailed "finder chart" of this image over the weekend and put several TASS technical notes together to show how this is procedure is done.

I still have some fine-tuning to do of the procedure but think that it was a very good exercise to test out technqiues on Tom's images that he posted a few days ago. I will try and complete several other of Tom's images over the weekend but will probably not do them all since I have other TASS tasks's to perform (like sifting throught all the data that I have collected) to find the fields that Michael is going to present at the AAS meeting....

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