Tests of repeated measurements in SDSS scans

Michael Richmond
Sep 12, 2006
Sep 14, 2006
Sep 15, 2006
Sep 20, 2006
Nov 14, 2006

Go to end of document for my reply to a couple of questions.

How accurate is a single magnitude measurement from an SDSS scan? One can answer that question in several ways. I will look at the repeatability of SDSS magnitudes: the scatter between measurements of the same object on different scans.

As part of another project (searching for planetary transits in SDSS photometry), Waqas Bhatti at JHU gathered a nice, big chunk of data from the SDSS for tests of photometry. He describes the criteria used to pick the data from the SDSS database:


(Flag descriptions at: http://cas.sdss.org/runs/en/help/browser/enum.asp?n=PhotoFlags )

The stars fall within a box with rough limits 37.35 < RA < 37.51 and -0.21 < Dec < +0.01 The photometry comes from repeated scans of the celestial equator, some as part of the SDSS Supernova Survey. These scans were made over the past few years, with Julian Dates ranging from 2,451,075 (Sep 18, 1998) to 2,453,641 (Sep 27, 2005).

Here's a picture of the field, taken from the POSS-I plates, courtesy of Aladin.

I used my ensemble photometry package (with very minor modifications) to

My primary tool for gauging the quality of a solution was the scatter-versus-magnitude relationship: if the scatter of most of the stars is relatively small, then the solution is good. Since stars at the bright end might be saturated, I looked at them carefully, and marked as "variable" any which showed a scatter larger than expected; these "variable" objects are not used to determine the photometry solution, but do appear in the output.

I will show the results for the g'-band, r'-band and i'-band photometry in a series of graphs below. Each displays scatter from the ensemble mean magnitude on the vertical axis, and the mean ensemble magnitude on the horizontal axis. I show on each graph the level corresponding to a scatter of 0.01 mag = 1 percent. There are black squares showing the estimated RMS for stars, based on theoretical calculations of the telescope and filter throughputs, etc. from Gunn et al., AJ 116, 3040 (1998).

I also show, superimposed on each graph, the values for a few stars in the field of one supernova discovered by the SDSS; Jon Holtz and Masao Sako did detailed photometry of these stars in the field in the same way that they measure supernovae.

I will use only the "fiber" magnitudes (aperture magnitudes, using a synthetic aperture of diameter 3 arcseconds), since earlier tests show that these aperture measurements are more stable from night to night than the PSF-fit magnitudes.




There are several features we can see in a glance:

  1. the "noise floor" for the brightest stars is around 0.01 mag, or 1 percent. This is far above the theoretical photon noise, but that's no real surprise
  2. the actual scatter is pretty close to the theoretical prediction for faint stars; again, no big surprise
  3. the measurements by Holtz (via scene modeling???) show roughly the same scatter as SDSS fiber magnitudes
  4. the measurements by Sako (via method???) show a bit more scatter than SDSS fiber magnitudes

I believe that the results here provide an estimate for the lower limit of the uncertainty in a single photometric measurement of a star-like object; this limit might be appropriate for the measurement of an isolated supernova. Measurements of objects immersed in complicated backgrounds must have larger uncertainty.

Below are tables showing the median scatter from the mean measurement, within bins one magnitude wide. The second and fourth columns are the min,max limits of the bin, the sixth column is the number of stars in that bin, and the eighth column is the median stdev from the mean within that bin. These values are plotted in blue in the graphs above.

g-band measurements

 min 13.000  max 14.000   num      0   median  0.000 
 min 14.000  max 15.000   num      0   median  0.000 
 min 15.000  max 16.000   num      7   median  0.009 
 min 16.000  max 17.000   num      9   median  0.011 
 min 17.000  max 18.000   num     12   median  0.011 
 min 18.000  max 19.000   num     19   median  0.013 
 min 19.000  max 20.000   num     41   median  0.016 
 min 20.000  max 21.000   num     69   median  0.027 
 min 21.000  max 22.000   num    150   median  0.053 
 min 22.000  max 23.000   num    183   median  0.107 
 min 23.000  max 24.000   num    234   median  0.239 
 min 24.000  max 25.000   num     91   median  0.462 

r-band measurements

 min 13.000  max 14.000   num      0   median  0.000 
 min 14.000  max 15.000   num      3   median  0.008 
 min 15.000  max 16.000   num      9   median  0.010 
 min 16.000  max 17.000   num     13   median  0.010 
 min 17.000  max 18.000   num     25   median  0.012 
 min 18.000  max 19.000   num     43   median  0.012 
 min 19.000  max 20.000   num     58   median  0.020 
 min 20.000  max 21.000   num    111   median  0.033 
 min 21.000  max 22.000   num    206   median  0.072 
 min 22.000  max 23.000   num    243   median  0.145 
 min 23.000  max 24.000   num    105   median  0.268 
 min 24.000  max 25.000   num      1   median  0.554 

i-band measurements

 min 13.000  max 14.000   num      0   median  0.000 
 min 14.000  max 15.000   num      5   median  0.010 
 min 15.000  max 16.000   num     12   median  0.012 
 min 16.000  max 17.000   num     17   median  0.010 
 min 17.000  max 18.000   num     51   median  0.012 
 min 18.000  max 19.000   num     51   median  0.014 
 min 19.000  max 20.000   num     94   median  0.025 
 min 20.000  max 21.000   num    147   median  0.047 
 min 21.000  max 22.000   num    226   median  0.101 
 min 22.000  max 23.000   num    206   median  0.201 
 min 23.000  max 24.000   num      7   median  0.404 
 min 24.000  max 25.000   num      1   median  0.641 

Replies to a couple of questions

Added Sep 14, 2006

Added Sep 15, 2006