Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Four methods of predicting a baseball team's final record

Michael Richmond
July 8, 2007

Can we predict the final record of a team based upon its performance at some intermediate point in the season? Sure -- but we might not be right. In this brief document, I compare four methods for making predictions. I use historical records from the American League, 1961 - 2007, excluding the strike-shortened years of 1972, 1981, 1994, 1995.

For background information and a detailed description of some of the models, see

The four methods I'll consider are

naive extrapolation
Take the current winning percentage and multiply by 162 games. Example: after 50 games into the season, the 2006 Boston Red Sox had a record of 30 wins and 20 losses, for a winning percentage of 0.600. This method predicts

             naive extrapolation    162 * (0.600)  =  97  wins

linear model to current winning percentage
Use historical records to derive a linear relationship between current winning percentage and final winning percentage; apply that linear model. Example: as shown in this report, after 50 games, the best-fit model is

  final winning percentage  =  0.207  +  0.599 * (current win percentage)

                            =  0.207  +  0.599 * (0.600)

                            =  0.566

         model to winning perc      162 * (0.566)  =  92  wins

linear model to current Pythagorean percentage
Use historical records to derive a linear relationship between current Pythagorean percentage and final Pythagorean percentage; apply that linear model. After 50 games, the 2006 Red Sox had scored 276 runs and allowed 244 runs, for a Pythogorean percentage of 0.561. Using historical team records, a model connecting the current Pythagorean percentage to final Pythagorean percentage is

  final Pythag percentage   =  0.187  +  0.624 * (current Pyth percentage)

                            =  0.187  +  0.624 * (0.561)

                            =  0.537

         model to Pythag perc      162 * (0.537)  =  87  wins

linear model to runs, then apply Pythagorean theorem
Use historical records to derive linear relationships between current runs scored and final runs scored, and between current runs allowed and final runs allowed; in other words, predict the final runs scored and allowed. Then apply the Pythagorean theorem with those predictions. After 50 games, the 2006 Red Sox had scored 276 runs and allowed 244 runs; as shown in this report, we can first predict that the team would score 846 runs and allow 769 runs. Then we can compute a final winning percentage:

  final winning percentage  =  (846*846) /  (846*846 + 769*769) 

                            =  0.548

    model to runs, apply Pyth      162 * (0.548)  =  89  wins

What I did to compare these methods was

The results can be shown in a single graph. On the x-axis is the number of games played into the season, and on the y-axis is the standard deviation of the difference between predicted and actual number of wins at the end of the season. The smaller the standard deviation, the better the prediction.

Take just a quick glance at this figure -- the one you'll want to study closely is the next one. All this does is show how poorly "naive extrapolation" does at early times.

Pay attention to the graph below, which just zooms in on the interesting region.

The results are easy to summarize, to a fair degree:

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.