C/2007 K3 (Siding Spring)

Orbital Elements

The following orbital elements are taken from MPEC 2007-L62:
C/2007 K3 (Siding Spring)
T 2008 Apr. 21.832 TT                                   MPC
q   2.05093              (2000.0)            P               Q
                   Peri.   23.590       +0.274241       +0.920392
                   Node   263.281       -0.920941       +0.167919
e   1.0            Incl.   16.297       -0.276875       +0.353102
From 30 observations 2007 Apr. 18-June 11.
An explanation of the orbital elements is available.

These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.


The following ephemeris is at intervals of five days. A daily ephemeris covering the same time interval is also available.

Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.

Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
2007 06 09    11 47.31   -16 36.8    3.676    4.067   105.5    13.9  18.4
2007 06 14    11 48.58   -16 20.2    3.703    4.025   101.1    14.3  18.4
2007 06 19    11 50.25   -16 06.0    3.732    3.982    96.8    14.7  18.4
2007 06 24    11 52.30   -15 54.5    3.761    3.940    92.6    14.9  18.3
2007 06 29    11 54.71   -15 45.6    3.790    3.897    88.5    15.1  18.3
2007 07 04    11 57.48   -15 39.4    3.819    3.855    84.4    15.2  18.3
2007 07 09    12 00.60   -15 35.8    3.847    3.812    80.4    15.2  18.2
2007 07 14    12 04.05   -15 34.8    3.875    3.770    76.5    15.2  18.2
2007 07 19    12 07.83   -15 36.5    3.901    3.728    72.7    15.1  18.2
2007 07 24    12 11.92   -15 40.6    3.925    3.686    69.0    14.9  18.1
2007 07 29    12 16.30   -15 47.2    3.948    3.643    65.3    14.7  18.1
2007 08 03    12 20.97   -15 56.1    3.969    3.601    61.8    14.4  18.1
2007 08 08    12 25.92   -16 07.2    3.987    3.559    58.2    14.0  18.0
2007 08 13    12 31.15   -16 20.5    4.003    3.517    54.8    13.6  18.0
2007 08 18    12 36.64   -16 35.8    4.016    3.476    51.4    13.2  17.9
2007 08 23    12 42.38   -16 53.1    4.027    3.434    48.0    12.6  17.9
2007 08 28    12 48.38   -17 12.1    4.034    3.392    44.7    12.1  17.8
2007 09 02    12 54.62   -17 32.7    4.039    3.351    41.5    11.5  17.8
2007 09 07    13 01.10   -17 54.9    4.040    3.310    38.4    10.9  17.7
2007 09 12    13 07.83   -18 18.5    4.039    3.268    35.2    10.2  17.7
2007 09 17    13 14.79   -18 43.3    4.034    3.227    32.2     9.5  17.6
2008 01 05    16 47.26   -26 59.0    3.212    2.416    30.4    11.9  15.9
2008 01 10    16 59.39   -26 58.6    3.153    2.386    32.7    12.9  15.8
2008 01 15    17 11.67   -26 54.2    3.093    2.357    35.1    13.9  15.7
2008 01 20    17 24.05   -26 45.7    3.033    2.329    37.4    14.9  15.6
2008 01 25    17 36.53   -26 32.7    2.972    2.302    39.6    15.8  15.5
2008 01 30    17 49.08   -26 15.1    2.912    2.276    41.9    16.8  15.4
2008 02 04    18 01.67   -25 52.8    2.852    2.251    44.1    17.7  15.3
2008 02 09    18 14.27   -25 25.7    2.792    2.227    46.3    18.7  15.2
2008 02 14    18 26.85   -24 53.7    2.732    2.205    48.5    19.6  15.1
2008 02 19    18 39.38   -24 16.6    2.673    2.184    50.6    20.5  15.0
2008 02 24    18 51.84   -23 34.6    2.614    2.164    52.8    21.3  14.9
2008 02 29    19 04.18   -22 47.6    2.557    2.146    54.9    22.2  14.9
2008 03 05    19 16.40   -21 55.7    2.500    2.129    57.0    23.0  14.8
2008 03 10    19 28.44   -20 59.0    2.445    2.114    59.1    23.8  14.7
2008 03 15    19 40.29   -19 57.7    2.390    2.101    61.2    24.5  14.6
2008 03 20    19 51.92   -18 52.0    2.337    2.088    63.3    25.2  14.5
2008 03 25    20 03.31   -17 42.0    2.285    2.078    65.4    25.9  14.5
2008 03 30    20 14.43   -16 28.1    2.235    2.069    67.5    26.5  14.4
2008 04 04    20 25.26   -15 10.4    2.186    2.062    69.6    27.0  14.3
2008 04 09    20 35.78   -13 49.4    2.138    2.057    71.7    27.5  14.3
2008 04 14    20 45.95   -12 25.4    2.092    2.053    73.9    28.0  14.2
2008 04 19    20 55.78   -10 58.8    2.047    2.051    76.0    28.4  14.2
2008 04 24    21 05.23   -09 29.9    2.004    2.051    78.2    28.7  14.1
2008 04 29    21 14.28   -07 59.2    1.962    2.053    80.5    28.9  14.1
2008 05 04    21 22.93   -06 27.0    1.922    2.056    82.8    29.1  14.0
2008 05 09    21 31.13   -04 53.9    1.884    2.061    85.2    29.2  14.0
2008 05 14    21 38.87   -03 20.3    1.847    2.068    87.6    29.2  14.0
2008 05 19    21 46.13   -01 46.7    1.811    2.077    90.1    29.2  14.0
2008 05 24    21 52.89   -00 13.4    1.777    2.087    92.7    29.0  13.9
2008 05 29    21 59.12   +01 19.0    1.745    2.099    95.4    28.7  13.9
2008 06 03    22 04.80   +02 49.9    1.714    2.112    98.2    28.4  13.9
2008 06 08    22 09.90   +04 19.0    1.685    2.127   101.0    27.9  13.9
2008 06 13    22 14.39   +05 45.5    1.658    2.144   104.0    27.4  13.9
2008 06 18    22 18.27   +07 09.1    1.632    2.162   107.1    26.7  13.9
2008 06 23    22 21.50   +08 29.1    1.609    2.181   110.3    25.9  13.9
2008 06 28    22 24.07   +09 45.0    1.588    2.202   113.6    25.0  13.9
2008 07 03    22 25.98   +10 56.2    1.569    2.224   117.1    24.0  13.9
2008 07 08    22 27.20   +12 01.9    1.553    2.248   120.6    22.9  14.0
2008 07 13    22 27.77   +13 01.6    1.539    2.272   124.2    21.7  14.0

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