Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Saturn, its rings, and Titan

Saturn (the planet itself)

Yes, yes, it's the planet with the big, bright rings. We'll discuss the rings in a bit, but what about the planet itself? In some ways, Saturn is very similar to Jupiter -- a little brother.

  Q:  Can you name 4 features of Jupiter?  

The rings of Saturn

Saturn has ordinary moons, of course, but it is more famous for the millions and billions and trillions of teeny-tiny satellites which for its rings.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

The particles making up the rings vary in size from smaller than a grain of sand (lots of those) to roughly the size of a mountain (not many of those). How do we know? One powerful technique involves occultations, when some source of light passes behind the rings. The way that the rings scatter light depends in part on their size and shape. For example, when the Cassini spacecraft flew into the shadow of Saturn, light from the Sun had to pass through the rings to reach its cameras.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL

Another type of occultation measurement was made when Cassini's orbit took it behind the rings, as seen from Earth. Cassini's antenna sent a strong radio signal to telescopes on Earth, which measured how the signal varied as the spacecraft moved across the ring system. Based on those radio measurements, scientists could determine the sizes of the particles in each region of the ring.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL

Both Cassini and Voyager took pictures which show that faint radial features, called "spokes", rotate around the planet. These features are thought to be due to tiny, dust-like particles which acquire a charge after having been struck by sunlight. The charged particles are levitated up and out of the plane of the rings by Saturn's magnetic field. They appear to last for only a few minutes to a few hours before the particles lose their electric charge and settle back into the ring plane again.

Image courtesy of NASA / JPL-Caltech / SSI / animation by Mike Malaska

If one looks closely, one can find small gaps between individual ringlets. If one looks VERY closely, one can sometimes find tiny little moonlets which orbit within these gaps; the gravitational influence of the moonlets can sweep the gaps clear. These small perturbations can also leave ripples close to the moonlets.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

One of those moonlets is called Daphnis; it is only about 8 km in diameter.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Another pair of moonlets is somewhat larger: Janus (above) is about 180 km in diameter, while Prometheus (below) is about 100 km across.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

These two objects are locked in a very interesting and delicate orbital resonance ... a sort of celestial dance. They revolve around Saturn in orbits that have (almost) exactly the same radius --- but they never collide! How does that work?

Well, remember Kepler's Laws of planetary motion? Can you answer these questions?

  Q:  If planet A is closer to the Sun than planet B,
            then it moves ___________ in its orbit.

  Q:  If planet B is farther from the Sun than planet A,
            then it moves ___________ in its orbit.

Right. Objects close to the Sun will move faster, and objects far from the Sun will move slower.

The same is true for moonlets which orbit Saturn.

Click on the figure below to play a short movie, which shows the motions of a white moon and a green moon around Saturn (the red circle). Both panels show a bird's-eye view of the system from far above Saturn's north pole, but

Image and movie courtesy of Jim Kaiser

The result is that the two moons switch orbital positions -- first green is slightly closer to Saturn and faster, then white is slightly closer to Saturn and faster, then green, then white, etc. This strange arrangement is known as a horseshoe orbit. Can you figure out why?

If not, perhaps this picture might help.

Titan has weather!

As soon as astronomers started to look at Saturn through telescopes, they noticed not only the rings, but also a bright dot of light which was almost always close to the planet, following it in its journey across the sky. Christian Huygens recognized it as a moon of Saturn in 1655. In small telescopes, this was sometimes the only moon visible near Saturn.

Larger telescopes and more careful observations are required to see the fainter satellites. They weren't recognized as moons for several more decades.

So, from a very early time, scientists knew that Titan was by far the largest of Saturn's moon. In fact, it is the second-largest moon in the Solar System, losing by only 59 km in radius to Ganymede.

Image courtesy of Montage by Emily Lakdawalla. Data from NASA / JPL, JHUAPL/SwRI, SSI, and UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA, processed by Gordan Ugarkovic, Ted Stryk, Bjorn Jonsson, Roman Tkachenko, and Emily Lakdawalla.

It may look larger than Ganymede in the montage above -- but that's due to Titan's really interesting feature: its atmosphere. Titan is the only moon in our Solar System with enough gas surrounding its surface that an ordinary person, standing on it, would notice.

This atmosphere hides our view of the surface, unfortunately.

Image of Titan from Voyager 2 courtesy of NASA / JPL / Gordan Ugarkovic

Based on occultation measurements of optical and radio waves passing through Titan's atmosphere, and on data from the Huygens probe (more on that later), scientists have a reasonable idea of the properties of this atmosphere. It is composed mostly of nitrogen (about 97%) and methane (2.7%), with little bits of other molecules. Take a look at how density and temperature change with altitude above the surface:

Figure 1 taken from Yelle et al., ESA SP 1177, 243 (1997)

  You are in charge of a mission to send astronauts to live on the 
  surface of Titan at a scientific outpost.  As you look at the
  properties of Titan's atmosphere, you see

    A) "The Good News", which makes survival on Titan easy-ish

    B) "The Bad News", which makes survival on Titan hard-ish

  What are these two different aspects of the atmosphere?

So, measurements show that the surface of Titan has a temperature of about 94 Kelvin. Just what do we expect the temperature at Saturn's distance from the Sun to be, anyway? Well, for a simple rock with no atmosphere, we could use

  Q:  Saturn is 9.58 AU from the Sun.  What would we expect the 
           temperature to be at this distance?

  Q:  Does Titan's atmosphere raise its temperature in a major way?

When the Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn in 2004, it used infrared cameras to pierce through the thick atmosphere and reveal some surface features:

Images courtesy of NASA / JPL / SSI / Ian Regan

But the real star of the Cassini mission, as far as Titan was concerned, was the Huygens probe, built by the European Space Agency.

Image courtesy of NASA

The probe was released from Cassini and entered Titan's atmosphere on January 14, 2005. It gently fell through the thick atmosphere thanks to a parachute. If you have time, please watch and listen to

Artist's rendition of Huygens' descent courtesy of NASA/JPL/ESA

As it floated down to the surface, Huygens took images showing the landscape around its landing spot on Titan.

Image courtesy of ESA, NASA, JPL, University of Arizona, and Rene Pascal

Image courtesy of ESA, NASA, JPL, University of Arizona, and Rene Pascal

  Q:  What sort of features do you see in these images?

The probe landed softly (sort of -- click the image below) on the surface, then spent about 90 minutes making measurements, taking images, and transmitting its results to the main Cassini spacecraft. Its instruments determined that the temperature at the surface was about 94 Kelvin, and the pressure of the atmosphere to be about 1470 milli-bars.

Image and video courtesy of ESA / C. Carreau

Here's one of the images taken while sitting on the surface:

Image courtesy of ESA/NASA/JPL/University of Arizona; processed by Andrey Pivovarov

The "rocks" in this image are very likely frozen chunks of water ice.

  Q:  What shape are the "rocks"?

      What does that tell you about phenomena on the surface?

Due to its thick atmosphere, Titan is one of the worlds in our Solar System which has real weather. Based on findings from the Huygens probe, planetary geologists conclude that, at times, liquid methane and other compounds fall to the surface as rain. Some of the features seen in the Huygens images appear to be carved by liquids flowing across the surface.

Image courtesy of NASA/JPL/ESA/University of Arizona

The northern polar region features both large ("seas") and small ("lakes") bodies which are filled with liquid, probably a mixture of methane and ethane. One can also find depressions which appear to be dry and empty now, but which may fill again when conditions change.

Image of lakes courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASI/USGS


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Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.