DS9 will process each command line option, one at a time, as the last step in the initialization process. Therefore, it is possible to use command line options as a little script. For example, the following command line option is used:
$ds9 -tile foo.fits -cmap Heat -zscale bar.fits -cmap I8
First DS9 is put in tile mode, then foo.fits is loaded. Then the colormap for foo.fits is changed to Heat. Next, a new frame is created and bar.fits is loaded. And finally, the colormap for bar.fits is changed to I8.
align array blink bin cmap colorbar contour coords dss exit fifo fifo_only geometry grid help horzgraph iconify inet_only info invert lower linear ln log magnifier minmax mode mosaicimage mosaicimages mosaic orient panner port port_only private raise rass regionfile rotate scale scalelims scalemode shm squared sqrt source tile tilemode title unix unix_only version vertgraph visual wcs wcsformat z1 zscale zoom