The Mysterious Connection between Superluminous Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts STScI Wed, May 25, 2016 2:00 PM Virginia Trimble: Twice Upon a Time: Ghosts of Super-novae and Gamma Ray Bursters Historical approaches Hieroglyphics Chinese text of SN 1054 read by Janet Chen Gamma-ray bursters: published 1973 Discovery and classification what is related, what is not? discovery == new class of objects novae then novae and super-novae Lundmark first to separate, also first to use "dark matter" then two types of supernovae first 8 studied by Zwicky were type I in 1970s, known Type II dominated by H then Type II separated into different groups GRBs discovered in 1970s Vela satellites, designed to find illegal bomb tests no connection with SNe fluxes 10^(-5) to 10^(-4) erg/cm^2/sec -- very bright Highlights of GRB history "we have turned everyone to his own way" "all we like sheep we can gone astray" "exhaust trails from interstellar spacecraft" Interesting items 3 heroes: Zwicky, Colgate, Paczynski Zwicky as young man: dapper, handsome 1972, Zwicky said he'd give 10 years off his life to see his mother again Paczynski: "there was only one woman he could stand, and he married her" 2:15 PM (on time, but does not wish any chocolate) Q: You write that Cas A was not detected by Flamsteed but maybe seen by Cassini in 1671 (see arXiv paper) A: very interesting someone should look in Paris Obs archives Q: clustering in dates for historic SNe -- why? A: statistics of small numbers, probably Chinese watched sky carefully, recorded comets and novae recorded historcal SNe: 1006, 1054, 1181, 1578, 1604, c. 1685 2:20 PM Jason Kalirai: JWST and the Transient Universe This is an update on JWST just 1.5 years to first CFP Thanks to Tony - expert for all questions about scheduling for JWST JWST primer one of biggest research programs in world 14 countries large, 6.5-m deployable, IR optimized in space cryogenic temp instruments L2 point, launch in Oct 2018 10-year lifetime recently, put the mirror segments together for first time Instruments: NIRCam 0.6 - 5.0 microns Nyquist sampling 2.2 and 4.4 arcmin field of view slitless spectroscopy 2.4 - 5.0 microns NIRSpec 0.6 - 5.0 microns R = 100, 1000, 2700 modes: single-slit, integral field 3x3 arcsec, multiobject multiobject uses microshutters (248,000) (but a few fail) good for crowded-field science MIRI 5-28 microns, 10 filters 0.11 arcsec pixels 1.23 x 1.88 field of view coronograph IFU NIRISS 0.9 - 0.5 micron imaging 2x2 arcmin wide-field slitless spectroscopy special modes for defocusing, can look at very bright stars Point-source sensitivity much better at 1-2 microns than HST much better at MIR than Spitzer order+ magnitude better at NIR spectroscopy Planned science with JWST [missed some of this - MWR] This week, instrument module mated with optics module soon, do shaker test on schedule for launch in Oct 2018 Science Timeline and Policies Advisory committee -- how to maximize early science results recommendations: early-release science program reduce propritary time parallel programs - not a requirement, could be done with $$ advocate for GO $$ Timeline: late 2016: commissioning proposals Oct 2018: launch 6-month commissioning Apr 2019: Cycle 1 programs begin GTOs have guaranteed time, will go first, have 10% of time, must be used in first 2.5 years June 2017: GTO obs finalized Feb 2018: GO Cy 1 deadline Sep 2019: GO Cy 2 deadline gap betwen Cy 1 and Cy 2 provides little data for observers to devise Cy 2 programs so advisory comm says "reduce proprietary periods of Cy 1" called "Early Release Science Program (ERS)" will be several 100 hours ERS timeline May 2017: ERS program call for proposals Oct 2017: programs chosen JWST and Transient Universe must remain in shadow of sunshield 40% of sky visible at any time continuous viewing zone within 5 deg of ecliptic poles ecliptic plane is least visible, of course 30% of sky viewable for 197 days per year all of sky has > 51 days of continuous visibility each year users have limited choice of roll angles see Targets of Opportunity (ToO) possible can submit proposals even without known targets triggering down via APT (Astronomer's Proposal Tool) helps to give STScI a heads-up can be executed within 24-48 hours after APT file received data goes online as soon as it's been processed completely automated archive will have "subscription service" to alert users policy questions are To Be Determined ask Neil Reid, in back corner of the auditorium Milestones for User Tools new exposure-time calculator to be released soon new JWST website, new documentation system Jan 2017: release flight ETC Documentation will cease to use big handbooks "every page is page one" short, pointed articles then hyperlink it all together multiple conceptual spaces incremental releases New Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) example of screens to be released in Jan 2017 Want to get science out of JWST Astropy - develop science tools for analysis developing tools like those in IRAF, XSPEC, etc. all code and discussions are public lots of Python training available go to AAS or dedicated workshops Example: Cube viewing tool wonder of wonders can use this tool today on any dataset Updates? See #JWST on Twitter 2:56 PM Q: limit on number of ToOs? A: haven't decided yet