Jupiter, through photographic red, green, and blue filters, respectively.
Saturn, through no filter, a red filter, and a yellow filter.
Denys Sakva used a Canon Rebel digital camera to take images of Jupiter in January, 2005. The picture below is a composite of 6 individual images.
An image of Mars taken with the 16-inch telescope and Meade Pictor 416 CCD camera, on Apr 26, 1999. We used a Wratten #25 red filter.
Better pictures of Mars, taken on Aug 23, 2003, with the 12-inch Meade telescope, eyepiece projection with a 12.5mm eyepiece, Wratten red 25 filter, and SBIG ST-9 CCD camera. On the left is an individual frame; on the right, the result of stacking and processing 100 frames with Registax.
Images of Jupiter and Saturn taken by George Privon and Michael Richmond with the Meade 12-inch telescope and ToUCam, Apr 8, 2005.
Each is a composite of hundreds of individual frames. See notes from the night for details.