UT Sep 21, 2020: Photometry of RT And (capstone project)

Michael Richmond
Sep 21, 2020

On the night of Sep 20/21, 2020, RIT physics major Evan Muskopf joined me at the Observatory for a session of photometry on his target, the eclipsing binary star RT And.

We opened at 8:08 PM on this clear and cool evening. After taking darks and domeflats, we began a sequence of 10-second R-band images of the target starting at 8:46 PM. By the time we stopped at 11:33 PM, we had acquired 495 images.

Evan will process these images and add them to his small but growing collection of R-band photometry of the system. After we shall have completed a phased light curve in the R-band, we'll switch to another filter or two.

There were no incidents or problems to report -- all the equipment functioned smoothly, and the weather remained good.

Last modified 9/21/2020 by MWR.