I'd like to thank our wonderful volunteers (and my apologies if I've accidentally forgotten you -- let me know!)
Brittany Vanderhoof Sadie Coffin Jared Wofford Sofia Sosa Fiscella Ben Vaughan Askold Vilkha Mimi Harrison Ethan Adkins Myrra Small Kristina Punzi Stacey Davis Michael Lam
Somewhere between 80 and 100 visitors came to the Observatory, hoping to see the Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. Alas, a low and nearly solid layer of clouds covered the Rochester area from 8:30 to around 10:45 PM, covering the period when we were open. Argh.
Well, our astronomers -- faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates -- did a great job talking to people, showing off our equipment, and answering all their questions. Most people enjoyed their visit, I hope, and may return for our next Open House.
We handed out a flyer with these puzzles to each visitor. The plan was that they could find the answers by looking through our telescopes, or asking our experts.
These pictures taken by Brittany Vanderhoof. Click on the first two to enlarge.
AFTER the event officially ended, and almost all our visitors had left, the clouds started to dissipate and we could see the Moon for several minutes at a time. Sadie Coffin recorded one of these views.
Last modified 10/9/2022 by MWR.