UT Oct 06, 2020: Astrometry of Ross 248 and GX And with capstone student

Michael Richmond
Oct 21, 2020

On the night of Oct 5/6, 2020, RIT physics major Vince Iglesias-Cardinale joined me at the Observatory for a session of measurements of his targets, the nearby stars GX And and Ross 248.

We opened at 7:34 PM on this evening. Conditions were good: no clouds, no moon when we started, temperature 62/17. The best focus in R-band was 1.277.

We acquired 50 R-band images each of Ross 248 and GX And, using exposure times of 20 and 5 seconds, respectively. We closed up when done, making an early night of it. A pair of screech owls seranaded us as we closed the dome and locked the gate.

As we put the equipment away, a small group of students arrived in the parking lot. It turned out to be some RIT students who just wanted to lie on the grass of the Observatory's lawn and look up at the stars. We blessed them and went home.

Last modified 10/21/2020 by MWR.