RIT Observatory Startup Checklist

Michael Richmond
Mar 30, 2022

In order to use the 12-inch Meade LX200 in the dome building, perform the following.

    When you first arrive ...

  1. Unlock back door of house and enter building. Leave backpacks, etc., in the house.
  2. Flush toilet (to verify that plumbing is working)
  3. Unlock gate to dome buildings. Leave lock hanging from opened gate
  4. Unlock and enter dome building
  5. Inside the dome building

  6. (If weather is good) open dome, using lowest toggle switch on dome control grey box on wall
  7. Turn on power to four items:
    1. DC power supply at base of telescope pier (red switch will light up)
    2. Telescope switch on mount (red LED will light up)
    3. Electric focus unit on desk (red LED will light up)
    4. Plug in TV set to wall outlet (red LED will light up)
  8. Log into dome computer using "ritobs" account
  9. Remove garbage bag covering telescope, placing it on the small file cabinet under the dome-control box on wall.
  10. Remove caps on the small blue guider and the larger white guider. Leave the cap on the main telescope in order to take dark frames (usually)
  11. Bring cameras from house to dome. Make two trips if alone. Do not overload yourself.
  12. Connecting items to the telescope

  13. Mount big red ATIK CCD on back of telescope.
  14. Mount video camera on white guide telescope
  15. Start filling in a log sheet for the night; continue throughout your run.
  16. Run software on desktop in the dome

  17. Create a directory under C:\data to hold the night's images. Use a name of format "jan23_2022", using the date on which the sun sets for this evening.
  18. Run focuser control program
  19. Run MaximDL by right-clicking on icon, choosing "Open file location", then double-clicking on the MaximDL.exe file
  20. Open MaximDL's camera control window
  21. Connect to camera
  22. In "Setup" tab, turn on camera cooling (should be set to -20 C)
  23. In "Expose" tab, set the Image Save Path to the new directory you have created
  24. You are ready to start observing ....