UT Nov 04, 2022: Imaging Satellites

Michael Richmond
Nov 06, 2022

On the night of Nov 03/04, 2022, I observed several artificial satellites of Earth as part of a remote-sensing project. These are preliminary tests of my ability to measure properties of satellites in different types of orbit.

The main setup was:

Notes from the night:

The first target tonight was GOES-16, a geosynchronous weather satellite. Below is a sample 1-second exposure.

The second target was DIRECTV-15, a geosynchronous communications satellite. It's pretty faint, but I noticed a much brighter satellite in the same field: MUOS-5, which is a commsat for the US Navy. Below is a sample 2-second exposure which shows both objects.

The final target was one of the GPS satellites, known as GPS BIIF-10 (or NORAD 40730). This satellite moves more rapidly (relative to the stars) than the geosynchronous variety, and its orbit tonight was running south-west to north-east. The picture below is a 1-second image.