UT Nov 03, 2022: Imaging Satellites

Michael Richmond
Nov 06, 2022

On the night of Nov 02/03, 2022, I observed several artificial satellites of Earth as part of a remote-sensing project. These are preliminary tests of my ability to measure properties of satellites in different types of orbit.

The main setup was:

Notes from the night:

Information on flats:

Below are pictures of the master domeflats, shown at 25% of actual size. As you can see, they look very similar, sharing most of the dust donuts (which must therefore be on the dewar window).

clear and B

V and R


The first target tonight was GOES-16, a geosynchronous weather satellite. It was close to the Moon at the time of these images. Below is a sample 3-second exposure with the sidereal tracking turned on (as usual).

I turned off the tracking, so that stars drifted past, but the geosynchronous satellite remained motionless. In the 1-second exposure below, the satellite is just below center.

The second target was DIRECTV-15, a geosynchronous communications satellite. Below is a 3-second tracked image. You can see two trails below center.

I turned off the tracking again to capture a 1-second image, shown below. Note that two motionless dots are visible: one is DIRECTV-15, and the other must be another geosynchronous satellite; perhaps another DIRECTV bird.