Mar 01, 2012: Visit from Henrietta Cub Scout Pack 128

Michael Richmond
Mar 28, 2012

On the night of Mar 01, 2012, members of Henrietta Cub Scout Pack 128 visited the RIT Observatory. Valerie Rapson, one of the graduate students in the Astrophysical Sciences and Technology Program, volunteered to help explain the wonders of the universe to the Scouts.

We went outside to the telescopes and talked about how they work, but we couldn't actually use them due to a light rain.

Don't drop that CCD camera, Valerie!

We then returned to the warm and dry house in order to show the Scouts how to make star wheels. When the weather clears up, they will know which constellations are up in the sky at any time!

Last modified 03/28/2012 by MWR.