UT Jun 13, 2021: Looking for ZTF21abfmbix

Michael Richmond
Jun 13, 2021

On the night of Jun 12/13, 2021, under good conditions, I acquired images of the field of the transient source ZTF21abfmbix, as a practice exercise for the Kilonova Catcher collaboration.

My images did show (faintly) the transient, which is a young supernova.


The target is one of the (many) candidates discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility. Information on the object can be found at

These observations involved:

Notes from the night:

Looks like we'll probably purchase a new filterwheel, rather than try to repair the old one.

As for images of ZTF 21abdwdwo, a brief summary is:

Here's a portion of the stacked image. North is up, East to the left, and the target is the faint point source just to the East (left) of the galaxy below center.

Last modified 6/13/2021 by MWR.