Jul 18, 2023: Investigating the Dec motion on the 12-inch telescope

Michael Richmond
Jul 18, 2023

The Meade LX200 12-inch f/10 telescope at our observatory has been our main instrument since 2003. It has worked very well over the years, but there are a few minor items that can annoy me.

One of them involves slow motion in the Declination direction. If one moves the telescope one direction -- say, North -- and then makes another motion in the opposite direction -- South -- then there can be a slight delay. This sounds like backlash, but I think something other than gear mis-matches may be happening.

Take a look at the interior of the Dec drive. If one removes the plastic cover, one can see the innards:

Ignore the dead insect. It's not part of the problem.

Here's another view, showing the transfer gears more clearly.

The main symptom is: when I push the handpaddle's "move in Dec" button, if the motion is opposite to the previous slew, the motor shaft does not immediately start to turn; instead, there's a delay between "press the button" and "drive shaft turns". Moreover, this delay is longer for slow slew speeds. I made measurements earlier today:

    slew speed          delay between "button press" and "shaft turns" (sec)
   2    (4x)                  35
   3    (8x)                   9

   4   (16x)                   4.7
   5   (0.25 deg/sec)          1.4

The handpaddle is an AutoStar II running software version 4.2g. I tried using the "Anti-Backlash" setting in the Dec/alt direction to fix this problem. However, the delays were the same within my measurement uncertainties for all the following Anti-Backlash settings:

       001%            (the default)

So, at this point, I'm stumped. I've posted a message to CloudyNights and hope that someone will give me ideas.