Jul 09, 2019: REU students look for the Moon and Jupiter

Michael Richmond
Jul 11, 2019
Jul 12, 2019

On the night of Jul 09, 2019, students in RIT's Research Experience for Undergraduates program "New Frontier in Gravitational Wave Astrophysics" came to visit the Observatory. Our plan was to observe the first-quarter Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn through the telescopes.

The Moon and Jupiter cooperated nicely. Some of the students not only viewed these celestial sights with their eyes, but took pictures by holding their cellphone cameras up to the eyepiece. The example above comes from Drake Foltz.

REU student Assitan Diakite took some pictures herself, both of the Moon ...

... and of Jupiter. Her original image shows both the planet, through an eyepiece, and small portions of the telescope tube around the edges,

I've zoomed in on the central portion to show Jupiter and its four big moons more clearly. From left to right, they are (to the left of the planet) Callisto and Europa, (to the right of the planet) Io and Ganymede.

Thanks very much to Dr. Tracy Davis of RIT's School of Physics and Astronomy, and Sean Doran of Wayne Central High School, both of whom helped with the telescopes and explanations.

Last modified 7/12/2019 by MWR.