UT Jul 05, 2021: Photometry of Nova Her 2021

Michael Richmond
Jul 05, 2021

On the night of Jul 04/05, 2021, under good conditions, I acquired images of Nova Her 2021 = V1674 Her. One can find information about it at

The star has faded to V = 13.5 or so, at which point the noise in my 60-second images is growing large. I'll have to switch to unfiltered images in the future.

Also, I discovered that guiding with 3-second exposures is better than 5-second exposures, at least tonight (in a field with plenty of possible guide stars).

Nova Her 2021 = V1674 Her

This object was discovered by Seiji Ueda (Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan) on 2021 June 12.537 UT. It rose quickly, then fell quickly.

The main setup was:

Notes from the night:

The object is located at

  RA =  18:57:30.95    Dec = +16:53:39.6     (J2000)

A chart of the field is shown below. The size of the chart is about 31 x 26 arcminutes.

I've marked the location of several comparison stars as well. See

I'll use star "E" to shift my instrumental magnitudes to the V-band scale. It has a V-band magnitude (according to AAVSO chart X26675JQ) of 12.221, and (B-V) = 0.608.

The faint star marked "var" shows variations of size roughly +/- 0.3 mag in a roughly sinusoidal pattern over the run. It's perhaps an eclipsing binary. The star has magnitude V ~ 13.5 and position

      RA = 18:57:04.13    Dec = +16:46:00.9     (J2000)
         = 284.26722          = +16.76692

You can use its entry in the APASS catalog to look it up in Vizier, and to serve as a cross-reference.

I took a photo of the finder TV's screen when pointing to this target; this could be a useful reference for the future:

The sky value shows just a couple of brief bumps due to light clouds.

The FWHM graph below shows quite a bit of scatter. I used X aggr setting of 3 all night. At the start of the night, I was using a 5-second guider exposure time, but I switched to a 3-second exposure time around JD = 400.75. Note that the scatter decreases at that time. I will try to use short exposure times for the guider in the future, if there are stars bright enough to permit it.

Using aperture photometry with a radius of 7 pixels in a V filter (binned 2x2, each pixel is 1.24 arcsec, so a radius of 8.7 arcsec), I measured the instrumental magnitudes of a number of reference stars and the target. Following the procedures outlined by Kent Honeycutt's article on inhomogeneous ensemble photometry, I used all stars available in each image to define a reference frame, and measured each star against this frame.

Sigma-vs-mag plots show that the floor was about 0.006 mag with a 60-second exposures. The outlier at instrumental mag = 4.53 is the target, The faint variable is the slightly larger outlier at mag = 4.63.

Some of the changes in image-to-image zero-point are due to trailing; I ended up keeping 217 out of 272 images.

Here is the light curve of the object and several field stars in the V filter; I've shifted the instrumental magnitudes so that star "E" = 000-BMD-913 on AAVSO chart X26675JQ has the value given by AAVSO as its V-band magnitude. The faint variable star is labelled as "X".

Note the low signal-to-noise of the target, due to its faintness. I'll switch from using a V filter to no filter in the future.

Can we still see any of the variations with period of about 8.4 minutes? I tried using the Periodogram tool at the NASA Exoplanet Archive, but there were no peaks near the value of 0.0058 days, which corresponds to 8.4 minutes.

I have submitted these measurements to the AAVSO, CBA, and VSNet.

You can download my measurements below. A copy of the header of the file is shown to explain the format.

# Measurements of Nova_Her_2021 made at RIT Obs, UT 2021 Jul 5, 
#    in good conditions, 
#    by Michael Richmond, 
#    using Meade 12-inch LX200 and ATIK 11000. 
# Exposures 60 seconds long, V filter. 
# Tabulated times are midexposure (FITS header time - half exposure length) 
#    and accurate only to +/- 1 second (??). 
# 'mag' is a differential magnitude based on ensemble photometry 
#    using a circular aperture of radius 7 pix = 8.8 arcseconds.  
#    which has been shifted so AAVSO 000-BMD-913 has mag=12.221 
#    which is its V-band magnitude according to AAVSO.  
# UT_day             JD            HJD        mag    uncert
Jul05.12993     2459400.62993  2459400.63445  13.518  0.031 
Jul05.13078     2459400.63078  2459400.63530  13.502  0.030 
Jul05.13163     2459400.63163  2459400.63615  13.545  0.045 

Last modified 7/05/2021 by MWR.