UT Aug 26, 2020: Photometry of V392 Per

Michael Richmond
Aug 26, 2020

On the night of Aug 25/26, 2020, under fair conditions, I acquired some images of the dwarf nova V392 Per, which has been identified by Joe Patterson of the CBA as a good target.

You can find some basic information on this star at SIMBAD.

The main setup was:

Notes from the night:

The object is at

  RA = 04:43:21.37    Dec = +47:21:25    (J2000)

A chart of the field based on pictures tonight is shown below. The size of the chart is about 20 x 20 arcminutes.

The chart below is from the AAVSO; see their full table with more information.

I used the star labelled "135", which is "C" on my chart, to convert my un-filtered measurements to V-band when I reported measurements to the AAVSO. On the other hand, for the measurements reported in the text file below, I used the star labelled "A" in my chart to calibrate the measurements to the V-band, using APASS as the source of the V-band mag.

Here's a picture of the TV with the finder's field of view when pointing at V392 Per:

The dark current was the same as usual -- good.

The FWHM creeped up slowly over the 2.3 hours that I observed. Because the target is only 8 arcsec away from a nearby star, I used an aperture with a 3 pixel = 4.75 arcsec radius.

Clouds were present early in the run, but almost disappeared by the middle. The brief gap near the end was caused by my inattention; I neglected to re-start an observing sequence as soon as the first one finished. Sigh.

The graph of image zero-points shows a few outliers; most are due to trailing.

Using aperture photometry with a radius of 3 pixels (binned 2x2, each pixel is 1.25 arcsec, so a radius of 3.75 arcsec), I measured the instrumental magnitudes of a number of reference stars and the target. Following the procedures outlined by Kent Honeycutt's article on inhomogeneous ensemble photometry, I used all stars available in each image to define a reference frame, and measured each star against this frame.

Sigma-vs-mag plots show that the floor was about 0.009 mag, which is only mediocre. I marked the saturated stars as variable, so they would not affect the solution.

Here are light curves of the variable and the field stars.

You can download my measurements below. A copy of the header of the file is shown to explain the format.

# Measurements of V392_Per made at RIT Obs, UT 2020 Aug 26, 
#    in fair conditions, 
#    by Michael Richmond, 
#    using Meade 12-inch LX200 and ATIK 11000. 
# Exposures 20 seconds long, clear filter. 
# Tabulated times are midexposure (FITS header time - half exposure length) 
#    and accurate only to +/- 1 second (??). 
# 'mag' is a differential magnitude based on ensemble photometry 
#    using a circular aperture of radius 3 pix = 3.8 arcseconds.  
#    which has been shifted so TYC 3347-1110-1 has mag=11.409 
#    which is its V-band magnitude according to APASS.  
# UT_day             JD            HJD        mag    uncert
Aug26.30222     2459087.80222  2459087.80107  15.277  0.052 
Aug26.30256     2459087.80256  2459087.80141  15.335  0.047 
Aug26.30324     2459087.80324  2459087.80209  15.224  0.045 

Last modified 8/27/2020 by MWR.