Megatokyo group coloring exercise: comic 818

Megatokyo is Fred Gallagher's web comic. It's wonderful. Read it. Buy it. Enjoy life.

Our first version of MT strip 818 was colored by

  1. Galatea
  2. pizzaboy
  3. coryrain
  4. Yone
  5. butterfly_rjm
  6. RadicalEdward13

and assembled by StupendousMan. The version shown below is slightly compressed, so that it loads quickly. Click on the image for the full-size version.

A second version of the strip features color by

  1. spoonifur
  2. InfiniteMiller
  3. Galatea
  4. Evil_Kitten
  5. Pizzaboy
  6. Binary Hanakari

The image shown below is slightly compressed, so that it loads quickly. Click on the image for the full-size version.

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