Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Images of Pluto taken during the CLEA 2010 workshop

On Sunday night, June 20/21 2010, we used one of the small 8-inch Meade telescopes and an SBIG ST-402 CCD camera (with no filter) to take images of what we _hoped_ would turn out to be Pluto. Success! Below are two images, each a stack of twenty short 8-second images. The images have had a simple dark frame subtracted from them, but not flatfielding has been applied.

Click on the picture above to blink the two images. Can you find the tiny little dot which moves a little bit relative to all the stars?

Here's the ephemeris from the JPL Horizons system for Pluto's position at the time of the two images, as seen from Gettysburg:

 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(ICRF/J2000.0)_DEC  APmag  

 2010-Jun-21 02:52  m  18 17 05.40 -18 14 43.3  13.97   
 2010-Jun-21 03:07  m  18 17 05.33 -18 14 43.4  13.97   

Compare those to the positions I measured from the images, using the CLEA Astrometry Toolkit (or look at the full report ).

                          RA          Dec
     C2010 06 21.11897 18 17 05.38 -18 14 43.2          13.6        842
     C2010 06 21.12968 18 17 05.31 -18 14 43.3          13.8        842

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.