C/2007 K5 (Lovejoy)

Orbital Elements

The following orbital elements are taken from MPEC 2007-M34:
C/2007 K5 (Lovejoy)
T 2007 May 1.951 TT                                     MPC
q   1.14909              (2000.0)            P               Q
z  +0.02042        Peri.  255.576       +0.144352       -0.965883
                   Node   193.737       +0.769443       -0.027065
e   0.97654        Incl.   64.885       -0.622189       -0.257561
From 37 observations 2007 May 29-June 23.
An explanation of the orbital elements is available.

These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.


The following ephemeris is at intervals of five days. A daily ephemeris covering the same time interval is also available.

Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.

Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
2007 06 19    07 45.60   -13 28.2    1.851    1.372    46.8    32.7  14.7
2007 06 24    08 07.50   -12 58.0    1.906    1.414    46.5    31.4  14.9
2007 06 29    08 28.25   -12 27.7    1.968    1.459    46.0    30.1  15.1
2007 07 04    08 47.83   -11 58.4    2.037    1.506    45.2    28.6  15.3
2007 07 09    09 06.25   -11 30.8    2.112    1.554    44.2    27.1  15.5
2007 07 14    09 23.57   -11 05.6    2.192    1.604    42.9    25.6  15.8
2007 07 19    09 39.85   -10 43.0    2.275    1.655    41.4    24.0  16.0
2007 07 24    09 55.16   -10 23.3    2.360    1.707    39.7    22.3  16.2
2007 07 29    10 09.58   -10 06.3    2.448    1.760    37.8    20.7  16.4
2007 08 03    10 23.18   -09 52.1    2.536    1.813    35.8    19.1  16.6
2007 08 08    10 36.04   -09 40.4    2.625    1.867    33.6    17.5  16.8
2007 11 26    13 35.92   -09 05.0    3.800    3.079    37.7    11.3  19.8
2007 12 01    13 40.95   -08 55.9    3.799    3.132    41.7    12.1  19.9
2007 12 06    13 45.71   -08 45.0    3.794    3.186    45.7    12.8  19.9
2007 12 11    13 50.18   -08 31.9    3.785    3.239    49.9    13.4  20.0
2007 12 16    13 54.36   -08 16.5    3.771    3.292    54.1    14.0  20.1
2007 12 21    13 58.22   -07 58.7    3.753    3.344    58.4    14.5  20.1
2007 12 26    14 01.75   -07 38.3    3.732    3.397    62.8    14.9  20.2
2007 12 31    14 04.94   -07 15.3    3.708    3.449    67.3    15.2  20.2
2008 01 05    14 07.77   -06 49.4    3.681    3.501    71.9    15.5  20.3
2008 01 10    14 10.22   -06 20.6    3.651    3.553    76.5    15.6  20.3
2008 01 15    14 12.27   -05 48.8    3.620    3.605    81.3    15.6  20.4
2008 01 20    14 13.91   -05 13.8    3.588    3.657    86.2    15.6  20.4
2008 01 25    14 15.12   -04 35.8    3.555    3.708    91.1    15.4  20.4
2008 01 30    14 15.90   -03 54.6    3.523    3.759    96.2    15.1  20.5
2008 02 04    14 16.22   -03 10.3    3.491    3.810   101.4    14.7  20.5
2008 02 09    14 16.09   -02 23.1    3.461    3.860   106.6    14.2  20.6
2008 02 14    14 15.49   -01 33.0    3.433    3.911   111.9    13.5  20.6
2008 02 19    14 14.43   -00 40.3    3.409    3.961   117.3    12.8  20.6
2008 02 24    14 12.93   +00 14.5    3.388    4.011   122.8    12.0  20.7
2008 02 29    14 11.00   +01 11.3    3.373    4.061   128.2    11.0  20.7
2008 03 05    14 08.65   +02 09.5    3.362    4.111   133.7    10.0  20.8
2008 03 10    14 05.93   +03 08.5    3.358    4.160   139.1     9.0  20.8
2008 03 15    14 02.87   +04 07.7    3.361    4.209   144.4     7.9  20.9
2008 03 20    13 59.52   +05 06.5    3.371    4.258   149.4     6.8  20.9
2008 03 25    13 55.94   +06 04.2    3.388    4.307   154.0     5.8  21.0

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