C/2007 K4 (Gibbs)

Orbital Elements

The following orbital elements are taken from MPEC 2007-M51:
C/2007 K4 (Gibbs)
T 2007 May 3.879 TT                                     MPC
q   3.52685              (2000.0)            P               Q
                   Peri.  162.452       -0.307160       -0.242957
                   Node    68.524       -0.947766       +0.165447
e   1.0            Incl.   98.593       -0.085976       -0.955824
From 79 observations 2007 May 25-June 24.
An explanation of the orbital elements is available.

These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.


The following ephemeris is at intervals of five days. A daily ephemeris covering the same time interval is also available.

Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.

Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
2007 06 29    15 55.29   -12 35.9    2.708    3.564   141.9    10.1  18.2
2007 07 04    15 48.01   -13 43.0    2.770    3.571   135.9    11.4  18.2
2007 07 09    15 41.39   -14 48.1    2.839    3.578   130.0    12.6  18.3
2007 07 14    15 35.45   -15 51.3    2.915    3.586   124.2    13.6  18.4
2007 07 19    15 30.21   -16 52.3    2.997    3.595   118.5    14.4  18.4
2007 07 24    15 25.67   -17 51.5    3.085    3.604   112.9    15.0  18.5
2007 07 29    15 21.82   -18 48.7    3.176    3.614   107.5    15.5  18.6
2007 08 03    15 18.63   -19 44.2    3.270    3.624   102.2    15.9  18.7
2007 08 08    15 16.06   -20 38.1    3.367    3.635    97.1    16.1  18.7
2007 08 13    15 14.09   -21 30.7    3.465    3.646    92.1    16.1  18.8
2007 08 18    15 12.68   -22 22.1    3.564    3.658    87.2    16.0  18.9
2007 08 23    15 11.80   -23 12.4    3.663    3.670    82.4    15.9  19.0
2007 08 28    15 11.40   -24 01.9    3.761    3.683    77.8    15.6  19.0
2007 09 02    15 11.44   -24 50.7    3.858    3.696    73.2    15.2  19.1
2007 09 07    15 11.90   -25 38.9    3.953    3.710    68.8    14.7  19.2
2007 09 12    15 12.75   -26 26.7    4.046    3.724    64.4    14.1  19.2
2007 09 17    15 13.95   -27 14.1    4.136    3.739    60.1    13.5  19.3
2007 09 22    15 15.48   -28 01.2    4.223    3.754    56.0    12.8  19.4
2007 09 27    15 17.30   -28 48.3    4.305    3.769    51.8    12.1  19.4
2007 10 02    15 19.39   -29 35.2    4.384    3.786    47.8    11.3  19.5
2007 10 07    15 21.73   -30 22.1    4.459    3.802    43.9    10.5  19.5
2007 10 12    15 24.30   -31 09.2    4.529    3.819    40.0     9.7  19.6
2007 10 17    15 27.08   -31 56.3    4.594    3.837    36.3     8.8  19.7
2007 12 26    16 17.18   -43 49.9    4.924    4.121    31.8     7.2  20.1
2007 12 31    16 20.82   -44 47.8    4.907    4.144    35.4     7.9  20.1
2008 01 05    16 24.35   -45 47.1    4.885    4.167    39.0     8.5  20.1
2008 01 10    16 27.75   -46 47.8    4.858    4.191    42.8     9.2  20.2
2008 01 15    16 30.98   -47 50.2    4.828    4.215    46.7     9.8  20.2
2008 01 20    16 34.00   -48 54.3    4.794    4.239    50.6    10.3  20.2
2008 01 25    16 36.78   -50 00.1    4.757    4.263    54.6    10.9  20.2
2008 01 30    16 39.28   -51 07.7    4.717    4.288    58.7    11.3  20.2
2008 02 04    16 41.45   -52 17.3    4.674    4.313    62.7    11.7  20.2
2008 02 09    16 43.23   -53 28.7    4.630    4.338    66.8    12.1  20.2
2008 02 14    16 44.55   -54 42.0    4.585    4.363    70.9    12.3  20.2
2008 02 19    16 45.35   -55 57.0    4.539    4.389    75.0    12.6  20.2
2008 02 24    16 45.54   -57 13.8    4.493    4.415    79.1    12.7  20.2
2008 02 29    16 45.02   -58 31.9    4.447    4.441    83.2    12.8  20.2
2008 03 05    16 43.69   -59 51.3    4.403    4.467    87.3    12.8  20.2
2008 03 10    16 41.41   -61 11.4    4.360    4.493    91.3    12.8  20.2
2008 03 15    16 38.05   -62 31.7    4.320    4.520    95.2    12.7  20.2
2008 03 20    16 33.44   -63 51.5    4.282    4.547    99.1    12.5  20.2
2008 03 25    16 27.41   -65 09.9    4.248    4.574   102.8    12.3  20.2
2008 03 30    16 19.77   -66 25.9    4.218    4.601   106.4    12.0  20.3
2008 04 04    16 10.36   -67 38.3    4.193    4.629   109.8    11.7  20.3
2008 04 09    15 59.02   -68 45.6    4.173    4.657   113.0    11.4  20.3
2008 04 14    15 45.66   -69 46.2    4.159    4.684   115.9    11.1  20.3
2008 04 19    15 30.32   -70 38.4    4.150    4.713   118.5    10.8  20.3
2008 04 24    15 13.17   -71 20.7    4.148    4.741   120.7    10.5  20.3
2008 04 29    14 54.55   -71 51.8    4.152    4.769   122.5    10.3  20.4
2008 05 04    14 34.99   -72 10.6    4.163    4.798   123.8    10.1  20.4
2008 05 09    14 15.18   -72 17.1    4.181    4.826   124.6     9.9  20.4
2008 05 14    13 55.82   -72 11.4    4.205    4.855   124.9     9.8  20.5
2008 05 19    13 37.54   -71 54.9    4.236    4.884   124.8     9.8  20.5
2008 05 24    13 20.82   -71 28.9    4.273    4.913   124.1     9.8  20.6
2008 05 29    13 05.94   -70 55.4    4.316    4.942   123.0     9.9  20.6
2008 06 03    12 53.03   -70 16.2    4.365    4.972   121.5    10.0  20.7
2008 06 08    12 42.06   -69 33.1    4.420    5.001   119.7    10.2  20.7
2008 06 13    12 32.94   -68 47.7    4.479    5.031   117.6    10.3  20.8
2008 06 18    12 25.50   -68 01.6    4.544    5.060   115.2    10.5  20.8
2008 06 23    12 19.56   -67 15.9    4.612    5.090   112.6    10.6  20.9
2008 06 28    12 14.95   -66 31.4    4.684    5.120   109.9    10.8  20.9
2008 07 03    12 11.49   -65 49.0    4.759    5.150   107.1    10.9  21.0

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