P/2007 H1 (McNaught)

Orbital Elements

The following orbital elements are taken from MPEC 2007-M25:
P/2007 H1 (McNaught)
T 2007 Aug. 17.2346 TT                                  MPC
q   2.282314             (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.1396184      Peri.  202.4726      +0.9690554      +0.2158277
a   3.679941       Node   144.3871      -0.1833966      +0.9543333
e   0.379796       Incl.   11.8716      -0.1652192      +0.2065586
P   7.06
From 61 observations 2007 Apr. 17-June 20.
An explanation of the orbital elements is available.

These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.


The following ephemeris is at intervals of five days. A daily ephemeris covering the same time interval is also available.

Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.

Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
2007 06 19    23 35.43   -03 22.7    2.011    2.320    94.2    25.9  15.2
2007 06 24    23 41.66   -03 09.6    1.950    2.314    97.5    25.8  15.1
2007 06 29    23 47.57   -03 00.2    1.890    2.308   100.8    25.6  15.0
2007 07 04    23 53.12   -02 54.8    1.831    2.303   104.3    25.3  14.9
2007 07 09    23 58.29   -02 53.7    1.773    2.299   107.9    24.9  14.9
2007 07 14    00 03.02   -02 57.3    1.718    2.295   111.6    24.3  14.8
2007 07 19    00 07.29   -03 05.8    1.664    2.292   115.4    23.6  14.7
2007 07 24    00 11.06   -03 19.5    1.612    2.289   119.4    22.8  14.6
2007 07 29    00 14.29   -03 38.5    1.564    2.286   123.5    21.7  14.6
2007 08 03    00 16.95   -04 03.0    1.518    2.285   127.7    20.6  14.5
2007 08 08    00 19.02   -04 32.8    1.475    2.283   132.2    19.2  14.4
2007 08 13    00 20.46   -05 08.0    1.437    2.283   136.7    17.7  14.4
2007 08 18    00 21.27   -05 48.1    1.402    2.282   141.4    16.1  14.3
2007 08 23    00 21.44   -06 32.6    1.372    2.283   146.2    14.3  14.3
2007 08 28    00 21.02   -07 20.7    1.346    2.284   151.1    12.4  14.2
2007 09 02    00 20.02   -08 11.5    1.326    2.285   155.9    10.4  14.2
2007 09 07    00 18.51   -09 03.8    1.312    2.287   160.5     8.4  14.2
2007 09 12    00 16.57   -09 56.5    1.303    2.289   164.6     6.7  14.2
2007 09 17    00 14.31   -10 47.9    1.301    2.292   167.5     5.4  14.2
2007 09 22    00 11.83   -11 36.7    1.304    2.296   168.2     5.1  14.2
2007 09 27    00 09.29   -12 21.5    1.314    2.300   166.3     5.9  14.2
2007 10 02    00 06.80   -13 01.3    1.330    2.305   162.6     7.4  14.2
2007 10 07    00 04.48   -13 35.1    1.352    2.310   158.2     9.2  14.3
2007 10 12    00 02.45   -14 02.2    1.379    2.315   153.4    11.1  14.3
2007 10 17    00 00.82   -14 22.3    1.412    2.321   148.6    12.9  14.4
2007 10 22    23 59.68   -14 35.1    1.450    2.328   143.7    14.7  14.5
2007 10 27    23 59.07   -14 40.9    1.493    2.335   138.9    16.2  14.6
2007 11 01    23 59.02   -14 39.8    1.540    2.343   134.2    17.7  14.6
2007 11 06    23 59.56   -14 32.3    1.591    2.351   129.6    19.0  14.7
2007 11 11    00 00.70   -14 18.8    1.646    2.359   125.2    20.1  14.8
2007 11 16    00 02.41   -13 59.7    1.704    2.368   120.8    21.0  14.9
2007 11 21    00 04.70   -13 35.6    1.764    2.377   116.7    21.8  15.0
2007 11 26    00 07.51   -13 07.0    1.827    2.387   112.6    22.4  15.1
2007 12 01    00 10.83   -12 34.5    1.893    2.397   108.6    22.9  15.2
2007 12 06    00 14.61   -11 58.4    1.960    2.408   104.8    23.3  15.3
2007 12 11    00 18.82   -11 19.1    2.029    2.419   101.0    23.6  15.4
2007 12 16    00 23.43   -10 37.2    2.099    2.430    97.4    23.7  15.5
2007 12 21    00 28.41   -09 52.8    2.170    2.442    93.9    23.7  15.6
2007 12 26    00 33.72   -09 06.5    2.242    2.454    90.4    23.6  15.7
2007 12 31    00 39.32   -08 18.6    2.315    2.467    87.0    23.5  15.7
2008 01 05    00 45.20   -07 29.2    2.388    2.479    83.6    23.2  15.8
2008 01 10    00 51.33   -06 38.7    2.461    2.492    80.4    22.9  15.9
2008 01 15    00 57.69   -05 47.3    2.534    2.506    77.2    22.5  16.0
2008 01 20    01 04.26   -04 55.3    2.607    2.520    74.0    22.0  16.1
2008 01 25    01 11.00   -04 02.9    2.679    2.534    70.9    21.5  16.2
2008 01 30    01 17.91   -03 10.3    2.751    2.548    67.8    21.0  16.3
2008 02 04    01 24.98   -02 17.7    2.822    2.562    64.8    20.4  16.3
2008 02 09    01 32.18   -01 25.2    2.892    2.577    61.8    19.7  16.4
2008 02 14    01 39.51   -00 33.0    2.962    2.592    58.8    19.0  16.5
2008 02 19    01 46.96   +00 18.6    3.029    2.608    55.9    18.3  16.6
2008 02 24    01 54.50   +01 09.6    3.096    2.623    53.0    17.5  16.6
2008 02 29    02 02.14   +01 59.9    3.161    2.639    50.2    16.8  16.7
2008 03 05    02 09.86   +02 49.2    3.225    2.655    47.3    15.9  16.8
2008 03 10    02 17.67   +03 37.5    3.286    2.671    44.5    15.1  16.9
2008 03 15    02 25.54   +04 24.6    3.346    2.687    41.8    14.3  16.9
2008 03 20    02 33.46   +05 10.5    3.404    2.704    39.0    13.4  17.0
2008 03 25    02 41.44   +05 55.0    3.460    2.720    36.3    12.5  17.0
2008 03 30    02 49.47   +06 38.0    3.513    2.737    33.6    11.6  17.1
2008 04 04    02 57.53   +07 19.6    3.564    2.754    30.9    10.7  17.2
2008 07 23    05 50.14   +14 41.1    3.942    3.150    33.8    10.3  18.0

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