P/2006 XG16 (Spacewatch) Epoch 2007 Mar. 1.0 TT = JDT 2454160.5 T 2007 Feb. 9.9505 TT MPC q 2.102210 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1424741 Peri. 41.3073 -0.4882863 -0.8588831 a 3.630604 Node 78.4540 +0.7535215 -0.5042979 e 0.420975 Incl. 9.0779 +0.4402066 -0.0894615 P 6.92 From 81 observations 2006 Nov. 15-2007 Apr. 14, mean residual 0".5.Elements are also available for the current standard epoch:
P/2006 XG16 (Spacewatch) Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 T 2007 Feb. 9.9500 TT MPC q 2.102211 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1424849 Peri. 41.3072 -0.4882864 -0.8588830 a 3.630419 Node 78.4540 +0.7535215 -0.5042981 e 0.420945 Incl. 9.0779 +0.4402065 -0.0894614 P 6.92An explanation of the orbital elements is available.
These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.
Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.
Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2WARNING! 2007 05 30 09 20.39 +24 13.4 2.451 2.259 67.1 24.4 20.0 2007 06 04 09 29.75 +23 23.1 2.514 2.273 64.7 23.8 20.1 2007 06 09 09 39.10 +22 31.1 2.576 2.287 62.2 23.1 20.1 2007 06 14 09 48.42 +21 37.7 2.638 2.301 59.8 22.4 20.2 2007 06 19 09 57.71 +20 43.0 2.699 2.316 57.4 21.7 20.3 2007 06 24 10 06.95 +19 47.0 2.760 2.332 55.1 20.9 20.4 2007 06 29 10 16.13 +18 50.0 2.820 2.348 52.7 20.2 20.5 2007 07 04 10 25.25 +17 52.0 2.879 2.364 50.3 19.3 20.5 2007 07 09 10 34.31 +16 53.3 2.937 2.380 48.0 18.5 20.6 2007 07 14 10 43.31 +15 53.9 2.995 2.397 45.6 17.7 20.7 2007 07 19 10 52.25 +14 53.9 3.051 2.414 43.3 16.8 20.7 2007 07 24 11 01.11 +13 53.6 3.106 2.432 40.9 15.9 20.8 2007 07 29 11 09.91 +12 52.9 3.160 2.449 38.6 15.0 20.9 2007 08 03 11 18.64 +11 52.1 3.212 2.467 36.2 14.1 21.0 2007 08 08 11 27.31 +10 51.3 3.263 2.486 33.8 13.1 21.0 2007 08 13 11 35.91 +09 50.5 3.313 2.504 31.4 12.2 21.1 2007 08 18 11 44.46 +08 49.9 3.360 2.523 29.0 11.2 21.2 2007 08 23 11 52.94 +07 49.5 3.405 2.542 26.6 10.3 21.2 2007 08 28 12 01.36 +06 49.6 3.449 2.561 24.2 9.3 21.3 2007 09 02 12 09.72 +05 50.2 3.490 2.580 21.7 8.3 21.3 2007 09 07 12 18.03 +04 51.3 3.530 2.600 19.3 7.4 21.4 2007 09 12 12 26.28 +03 53.1 3.566 2.619 16.9 6.4 21.4 2007 09 17 12 34.49 +02 55.6 3.601 2.639 14.5 5.5 21.5 2007 09 22 12 42.63 +01 59.1 3.632 2.659 12.1 4.5 21.5 2007 09 27 12 50.72 +01 03.5 3.661 2.679 9.9 3.7 21.6 2007 10 02 12 58.75 +00 08.9 3.688 2.699 7.8 2.9 21.6 2007 10 07 13 06.74 -00 44.6 3.711 2.720 6.3 2.3 21.7 2007 10 12 13 14.66 -01 36.9 3.731 2.740 5.8 2.1 21.7 2007 10 17 13 22.53 -02 28.0 3.749 2.761 6.6 2.4 21.8 2007 10 22 13 30.34 -03 17.7 3.763 2.781 8.3 3.0 21.8 2007 10 27 13 38.07 -04 06.0 3.773 2.802 10.5 3.7 21.9 2007 11 01 13 45.75 -04 52.8 3.781 2.823 13.0 4.6 21.9 2007 11 06 13 53.34 -05 38.2 3.785 2.843 15.7 5.4 21.9 2007 11 11 14 00.86 -06 21.9 3.785 2.864 18.6 6.3 22.0 2007 11 16 14 08.30 -07 04.0 3.783 2.885 21.5 7.2 22.0 2007 11 21 14 15.63 -07 44.4 3.776 2.906 24.5 8.1 22.0 2007 11 26 14 22.86 -08 23.0 3.766 2.927 27.5 9.0 22.0 2007 12 01 14 29.98 -08 59.9 3.753 2.948 30.7 9.8 22.1 2007 12 06 14 36.98 -09 35.0 3.736 2.969 33.8 10.7 22.1 2007 12 11 14 43.84 -10 08.3 3.716 2.990 37.1 11.5 22.1 2007 12 16 14 50.56 -10 39.7 3.692 3.011 40.4 12.2 22.1 2007 12 21 14 57.10 -11 09.2 3.665 3.032 43.8 13.0 22.1 2007 12 26 15 03.47 -11 36.8 3.634 3.052 47.2 13.7 22.1 2007 12 31 15 09.65 -12 02.5 3.601 3.073 50.7 14.3 22.2 2008 01 05 15 15.61 -12 26.4 3.564 3.094 54.2 14.9 22.2 2008 01 10 15 21.34 -12 48.3 3.525 3.115 57.9 15.5 22.2 2008 01 15 15 26.82 -13 08.4 3.483 3.136 61.6 16.0 22.2 2008 01 20 15 32.02 -13 26.6 3.438 3.157 65.3 16.5 22.2 2008 01 25 15 36.93 -13 43.0 3.392 3.177 69.2 16.8 22.2 2008 01 30 15 41.52 -13 57.6 3.343 3.198 73.1 17.1 22.2 2008 02 04 15 45.77 -14 10.5 3.293 3.219 77.1 17.4 22.2 2008 02 09 15 49.64 -14 21.6 3.241 3.239 81.2 17.5 22.2 2008 02 14 15 53.12 -14 31.0 3.188 3.260 85.3 17.6 22.1 2008 02 19 15 56.18 -14 38.9 3.135 3.280 89.6 17.5 22.1 2008 02 24 15 58.80 -14 45.2 3.081 3.301 94.0 17.4 22.1 2008 02 29 16 00.95 -14 50.1 3.028 3.321 98.5 17.2 22.1 2008 03 05 16 02.61 -14 53.5 2.975 3.342 103.0 16.8 22.1 2008 03 10 16 03.76 -14 55.5 2.923 3.362 107.7 16.3 22.1 2008 03 15 16 04.39 -14 56.2 2.873 3.382 112.5 15.8 22.1 2008 03 20 16 04.47 -14 55.7 2.826 3.402 117.5 15.1 22.1 2008 03 25 16 04.02 -14 54.1 2.781 3.422 122.5 14.2 22.1 2008 03 30 16 03.03 -14 51.4 2.740 3.442 127.7 13.3 22.1 2008 04 04 16 01.51 -14 47.7 2.702 3.462 132.9 12.2 22.1 2008 04 09 15 59.49 -14 43.1 2.669 3.482 138.3 11.0 22.0 2008 04 14 15 56.99 -14 37.9 2.642 3.501 143.7 9.8 22.1 2008 04 19 15 54.06 -14 32.0 2.620 3.521 149.3 8.4 22.1 2008 04 24 15 50.77 -14 25.7 2.604 3.540 154.8 6.9 22.1 2008 04 29 15 47.17 -14 19.0 2.595 3.560 160.4 5.4 22.1 2008 05 04 15 43.34 -14 12.3 2.593 3.579 165.9 3.9 22.1 2008 05 09 15 39.35 -14 05.8 2.597 3.598 171.0 2.5 22.1 2008 05 14 15 35.31 -13 59.6 2.610 3.617 174.7 1.5 22.2 2008 05 19 15 31.29 -13 53.9 2.629 3.636 173.4 1.8 22.2 2008 05 24 15 27.38 -13 49.1 2.656 3.655 168.8 3.1 22.3 2008 05 29 15 23.66 -13 45.3 2.691 3.674 163.5 4.5 22.3 2008 06 03 15 20.18 -13 42.6 2.732 3.693 158.1 5.9 22.4 2008 06 08 15 17.01 -13 41.4 2.780 3.711 152.7 7.2 22.4 2008 06 13 15 14.21 -13 41.6 2.834 3.730 147.4 8.4 22.5 2008 06 18 15 11.81 -13 43.3 2.894 3.748 142.1 9.6 22.5 2008 06 23 15 09.82 -13 46.7 2.960 3.766 136.9 10.6 22.6 2008 06 28 15 08.28 -13 51.7 3.030 3.785 131.8 11.5 22.7 2008 07 03 15 07.18 -13 58.4 3.105 3.803 126.9 12.4 22.8This comet gets close to the sun during the period covered in the ephemeris below. Observers are warned to be wary of observing comets near the sun. NEVER point any kind of optical instrument at the sun--instant blindness will be the probable result.