P/2000 U6 (Tichy) Epoch 2008 Feb. 24.0 TT = JDT 2454520.5 T 2008 Feb. 7.3196 TT MPC q 2.137893 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1343165 Peri. 11.7162 +0.8131585 -0.5657449 a 3.776155 Node 24.3423 +0.5036211 +0.5660968 e 0.433844 Incl. 19.3789 +0.2917861 +0.5995557 P 7.34 From 189 observations 2000 Oct. 23-2001 Jan. 28, mean residual 0".6.Elements are also available for the current standard epoch:
P/2000 U6 (Tichy) Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 T 2008 Feb. 7.3207 TT MPC q 2.138068 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1343609 Peri. 11.7090 +0.8132221 -0.5656518 a 3.775324 Node 24.3430 +0.5035587 +0.5661479 e 0.433673 Incl. 19.3794 +0.2917164 +0.5995954 P 7.34An explanation of the orbital elements is available.
These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.
Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.
Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2WARNING! 2007 05 30 23 21.19 -24 32.6 2.680 2.817 87.1 21.1 20.1 2007 06 04 23 26.79 -24 16.6 2.599 2.797 90.4 21.3 20.0 2007 06 09 23 32.10 -24 02.8 2.519 2.776 93.7 21.4 19.9 2007 06 14 23 37.11 -23 51.2 2.439 2.755 97.1 21.5 19.8 2007 06 19 23 41.77 -23 42.0 2.360 2.735 100.5 21.4 19.7 2007 06 24 23 46.06 -23 35.3 2.282 2.714 104.0 21.3 19.6 2007 06 29 23 49.93 -23 31.1 2.206 2.694 107.6 21.1 19.5 2007 07 04 23 53.37 -23 29.6 2.131 2.674 111.3 20.7 19.4 2007 07 09 23 56.32 -23 30.7 2.059 2.654 115.0 20.3 19.3 2007 07 14 23 58.74 -23 34.5 1.988 2.634 118.9 19.8 19.2 2007 07 19 00 00.58 -23 40.7 1.920 2.614 122.8 19.1 19.1 2007 07 24 00 01.80 -23 49.3 1.856 2.595 126.8 18.3 19.0 2007 07 29 00 02.37 -23 59.8 1.794 2.576 130.9 17.3 18.9 2007 08 03 00 02.25 -24 11.9 1.736 2.557 135.0 16.3 18.8 2007 08 08 00 01.41 -24 25.0 1.682 2.538 139.2 15.2 18.7 2007 08 13 23 59.83 -24 38.4 1.633 2.519 143.3 13.9 18.6 2007 08 18 23 57.51 -24 51.3 1.588 2.501 147.3 12.6 18.5 2007 08 23 23 54.48 -25 02.6 1.549 2.483 151.1 11.4 18.4 2007 08 28 23 50.81 -25 11.4 1.515 2.465 154.5 10.2 18.3 2007 09 02 23 46.55 -25 16.4 1.486 2.448 157.1 9.2 18.2 2007 09 07 23 41.82 -25 16.8 1.464 2.430 158.7 8.7 18.2 2007 09 12 23 36.76 -25 11.4 1.447 2.414 158.8 8.7 18.1 2007 09 17 23 31.51 -24 59.6 1.437 2.397 157.5 9.2 18.1 2007 09 22 23 26.27 -24 40.7 1.433 2.381 155.0 10.3 18.0 2007 09 27 23 21.21 -24 14.5 1.435 2.365 151.5 11.7 18.0 2007 10 02 23 16.47 -23 41.1 1.443 2.350 147.5 13.2 18.0 2007 10 07 23 12.21 -23 00.8 1.456 2.335 143.2 14.9 18.0 2007 10 12 23 08.56 -22 14.0 1.475 2.320 138.7 16.5 18.0 2007 10 17 23 05.60 -21 21.4 1.498 2.306 134.2 18.1 18.0 2007 10 22 23 03.40 -20 23.5 1.526 2.292 129.6 19.5 18.0 2007 10 27 23 01.99 -19 21.2 1.558 2.279 125.1 20.9 18.0 2007 11 01 23 01.37 -18 15.1 1.593 2.267 120.7 22.1 18.1 2007 11 06 23 01.55 -17 05.8 1.631 2.254 116.4 23.2 18.1 2007 11 11 23 02.48 -15 53.9 1.673 2.243 112.2 24.1 18.1 2007 11 16 23 04.15 -14 39.7 1.716 2.232 108.1 24.9 18.2 2007 11 21 23 06.52 -13 23.6 1.762 2.221 104.2 25.5 18.2 2007 11 26 23 09.52 -12 06.1 1.809 2.211 100.4 26.0 18.2 2007 12 01 23 13.12 -10 47.2 1.857 2.202 96.7 26.4 18.3 2007 12 06 23 17.27 -09 27.3 1.906 2.193 93.1 26.7 18.3 2007 12 11 23 21.93 -08 06.4 1.957 2.185 89.6 26.8 18.4 2007 12 16 23 27.06 -06 44.6 2.007 2.177 86.3 26.8 18.4 2007 12 21 23 32.63 -05 22.2 2.058 2.170 83.0 26.7 18.4 2007 12 26 23 38.59 -03 59.2 2.110 2.164 79.8 26.6 18.5 2007 12 31 23 44.90 -02 35.8 2.161 2.158 76.7 26.3 18.5 2008 01 05 23 51.56 -01 11.9 2.212 2.153 73.7 26.0 18.6 2008 01 10 23 58.53 +00 12.3 2.262 2.149 70.8 25.6 18.6 2008 01 15 00 05.79 +01 36.6 2.313 2.146 67.9 25.1 18.6 2008 01 20 00 13.33 +03 01.1 2.362 2.143 65.1 24.6 18.7 2008 01 25 00 21.11 +04 25.5 2.412 2.140 62.3 24.0 18.7 2008 01 30 00 29.14 +05 49.7 2.460 2.139 59.7 23.4 18.8 2008 02 04 00 37.39 +07 13.7 2.508 2.138 57.1 22.8 18.8 2008 02 09 00 45.86 +08 37.4 2.554 2.138 54.5 22.1 18.8 2008 02 14 00 54.55 +10 00.5 2.600 2.139 52.0 21.3 18.9 2008 02 19 01 03.43 +11 23.0 2.645 2.140 49.5 20.6 18.9 2008 02 24 01 12.51 +12 44.6 2.689 2.142 47.1 19.8 19.0 2008 02 29 01 21.78 +14 05.3 2.732 2.144 44.7 19.0 19.0 2008 03 05 01 31.24 +15 25.0 2.774 2.148 42.4 18.1 19.0 2008 03 10 01 40.89 +16 43.3 2.814 2.152 40.1 17.3 19.1 2008 03 15 01 50.72 +18 00.3 2.854 2.157 37.9 16.4 19.1 2008 03 20 02 00.72 +19 15.7 2.892 2.162 35.7 15.6 19.2 2008 03 25 02 10.91 +20 29.4 2.929 2.168 33.5 14.7 19.2 2008 03 30 02 21.26 +21 41.2 2.965 2.175 31.4 13.8 19.2 2008 04 04 02 31.79 +22 50.9 2.999 2.182 29.3 13.0 19.3 2008 04 09 02 42.50 +23 58.5 3.032 2.190 27.2 12.1 19.3 2008 04 14 02 53.36 +25 03.7 3.064 2.199 25.2 11.2 19.4 2008 04 19 03 04.39 +26 06.4 3.095 2.208 23.3 10.4 19.4 2008 04 24 03 15.56 +27 06.5 3.124 2.218 21.4 9.5 19.4 2008 04 29 03 26.89 +28 03.7 3.151 2.228 19.6 8.7 19.5 2008 05 04 03 38.36 +28 58.1 3.178 2.239 17.8 7.9 19.5 2008 05 09 03 49.96 +29 49.5 3.202 2.251 16.2 7.2 19.6 2008 05 14 04 01.68 +30 37.7 3.226 2.263 14.7 6.5 19.6 2008 05 19 04 13.51 +31 22.7 3.247 2.275 13.3 5.9 19.6 2008 05 24 04 25.43 +32 04.4 3.268 2.288 12.3 5.4 19.7 2008 05 29 04 37.43 +32 42.8 3.286 2.302 11.5 5.0 19.7 2008 06 03 04 49.50 +33 17.8 3.303 2.316 11.0 4.8 19.7 2008 06 08 05 01.62 +33 49.4 3.318 2.330 11.0 4.8 19.8 2008 06 13 05 13.76 +34 17.6 3.332 2.345 11.4 4.9 19.8 2008 06 18 05 25.91 +34 42.3 3.343 2.360 12.2 5.2 19.8 2008 06 23 05 38.05 +35 03.8 3.353 2.376 13.3 5.7 19.9 2008 06 28 05 50.15 +35 21.9 3.361 2.392 14.7 6.2 19.9 2008 07 03 06 02.21 +35 36.8 3.367 2.408 16.3 6.8 20.0This comet gets close to the sun during the period covered in the ephemeris below. Observers are warned to be wary of observing comets near the sun. NEVER point any kind of optical instrument at the sun--instant blindness will be the probable result.