P/1997 V1 (Larsen) Epoch 2008 Sept. 11.0 TT = JDT 2454720.5 T 2008 Aug. 27.4264 TT MPC q 3.272077 (2000.0) P Q n 0.0906308 Peri. 133.7888 +0.9755922 -0.1369844 a 4.908540 Node 234.8147 +0.0854601 +0.9568038 e 0.333391 Incl. 12.1219 +0.2022783 +0.2564405 P 10.9 From 248 observations 1997 Nov. 3-1998 Feb. 3, mean residual 0".5.Elements are also available for the current standard epoch:
P/1997 V1 (Larsen) Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 T 2008 Aug. 26.4936 TT MPC q 3.274269 (2000.0) P Q n 0.0904847 Peri. 133.5852 +0.9760294 -0.1337765 a 4.913821 Node 234.8300 +0.0822954 +0.9570717 e 0.333661 Incl. 12.1228 +0.2014799 +0.2571335 P 10.9An explanation of the orbital elements is available.
These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.
Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.
Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2WARNING! 2007 05 30 20 17.24 -07 07.9 3.391 4.026 122.4 12.3 17.7 2007 06 04 20 16.79 -06 50.2 3.319 4.012 127.0 11.6 17.6 2007 06 09 20 15.95 -06 34.1 3.252 3.999 131.7 10.9 17.6 2007 06 14 20 14.74 -06 19.7 3.189 3.986 136.4 10.1 17.5 2007 06 19 20 13.15 -06 07.2 3.131 3.973 141.1 9.2 17.5 2007 06 24 20 11.23 -05 56.7 3.078 3.960 145.8 8.3 17.4 2007 06 29 20 08.99 -05 48.3 3.031 3.947 150.4 7.3 17.4 2007 07 04 20 06.49 -05 42.2 2.990 3.934 154.8 6.3 17.3 2007 07 09 20 03.75 -05 38.3 2.955 3.921 158.9 5.4 17.3 2007 07 14 20 00.84 -05 36.6 2.927 3.908 162.3 4.5 17.3 2007 07 19 19 57.81 -05 37.3 2.906 3.895 164.6 4.0 17.2 2007 07 24 19 54.73 -05 40.1 2.892 3.882 165.1 3.9 17.2 2007 07 29 19 51.67 -05 44.9 2.884 3.869 163.7 4.2 17.2 2007 08 03 19 48.68 -05 51.6 2.884 3.857 160.8 5.0 17.2 2007 08 08 19 45.85 -05 59.9 2.890 3.844 157.0 5.9 17.2 2007 08 13 19 43.22 -06 09.7 2.903 3.832 152.7 7.0 17.1 2007 08 18 19 40.86 -06 20.8 2.922 3.819 148.1 8.1 17.1 2007 08 23 19 38.82 -06 32.7 2.948 3.807 143.3 9.1 17.2 2007 08 28 19 37.14 -06 45.3 2.978 3.795 138.5 10.2 17.2 2007 09 02 19 35.85 -06 58.3 3.014 3.782 133.7 11.1 17.2 2007 09 07 19 34.98 -07 11.5 3.054 3.770 128.9 12.0 17.2 2007 09 12 19 34.54 -07 24.6 3.099 3.758 124.2 12.8 17.2 2007 09 17 19 34.56 -07 37.3 3.147 3.746 119.6 13.5 17.2 2007 09 22 19 35.02 -07 49.4 3.198 3.734 115.0 14.1 17.2 2007 09 27 19 35.94 -08 00.8 3.252 3.722 110.4 14.6 17.3 2007 10 02 19 37.29 -08 11.2 3.308 3.711 106.0 15.0 17.3 2007 10 07 19 39.08 -08 20.5 3.366 3.699 101.6 15.3 17.3 2007 10 12 19 41.28 -08 28.7 3.425 3.688 97.3 15.6 17.3 2007 10 17 19 43.89 -08 35.4 3.485 3.676 93.1 15.7 17.4 2007 10 22 19 46.88 -08 40.6 3.545 3.665 89.0 15.8 17.4 2007 10 27 19 50.23 -08 44.3 3.605 3.654 84.9 15.7 17.4 2007 11 01 19 53.92 -08 46.3 3.665 3.643 80.9 15.6 17.4 2007 11 06 19 57.93 -08 46.6 3.724 3.632 77.0 15.4 17.5 2007 11 11 20 02.25 -08 45.1 3.782 3.621 73.1 15.2 17.5 2007 11 16 20 06.85 -08 41.8 3.839 3.610 69.3 14.8 17.5 2007 11 21 20 11.71 -08 36.6 3.894 3.599 65.5 14.5 17.5 2007 11 26 20 16.81 -08 29.5 3.948 3.589 61.8 14.0 17.5 2007 12 01 20 22.14 -08 20.5 3.999 3.578 58.2 13.5 17.5 2007 12 06 20 27.66 -08 09.6 4.048 3.568 54.6 13.0 17.6 2007 12 11 20 33.37 -07 56.7 4.094 3.558 51.0 12.4 17.6 2007 12 16 20 39.26 -07 42.0 4.138 3.548 47.5 11.8 17.6 2007 12 21 20 45.29 -07 25.3 4.178 3.538 44.1 11.1 17.6 2007 12 26 20 51.45 -07 06.7 4.216 3.528 40.7 10.5 17.6 2007 12 31 20 57.74 -06 46.4 4.250 3.519 37.3 9.7 17.6 2008 01 05 21 04.13 -06 24.2 4.281 3.509 34.0 9.0 17.6 2008 01 10 21 10.62 -06 00.2 4.309 3.500 30.7 8.3 17.6 2008 01 15 21 17.19 -05 34.6 4.333 3.491 27.5 7.5 17.6 2008 01 20 21 23.82 -05 07.3 4.354 3.482 24.4 6.7 17.6 2008 01 25 21 30.51 -04 38.4 4.371 3.473 21.4 5.9 17.6 2008 01 30 21 37.25 -04 08.0 4.385 3.464 18.4 5.2 17.6 2008 02 04 21 44.02 -03 36.1 4.394 3.456 15.7 4.4 17.6 2008 02 09 21 50.82 -03 02.9 4.400 3.447 13.2 3.8 17.6 2008 02 14 21 57.64 -02 28.3 4.403 3.439 11.2 3.2 17.6 2008 02 19 22 04.47 -01 52.6 4.401 3.431 9.8 2.8 17.6 2008 02 24 22 11.30 -01 15.7 4.396 3.423 9.3 2.7 17.6 2008 02 29 22 18.12 -00 37.8 4.387 3.416 9.9 2.9 17.5 2008 03 05 22 24.93 +00 01.1 4.375 3.408 11.4 3.3 17.5 2008 03 10 22 31.72 +00 40.8 4.359 3.401 13.5 3.9 17.5 2008 03 15 22 38.49 +01 21.3 4.339 3.393 15.9 4.6 17.5 2008 03 20 22 45.22 +02 02.5 4.316 3.387 18.5 5.4 17.5 2008 03 25 22 51.91 +02 44.3 4.290 3.380 21.3 6.1 17.5 2008 03 30 22 58.56 +03 26.5 4.260 3.373 24.1 6.9 17.4 2008 04 04 23 05.16 +04 09.2 4.227 3.367 27.0 7.7 17.4 2008 04 09 23 11.69 +04 52.1 4.191 3.360 29.9 8.6 17.4 2008 04 14 23 18.17 +05 35.2 4.152 3.354 32.9 9.3 17.3 2008 04 19 23 24.57 +06 18.4 4.110 3.349 35.9 10.1 17.3 2008 04 24 23 30.89 +07 01.6 4.065 3.343 38.9 10.9 17.3 2008 04 29 23 37.13 +07 44.7 4.018 3.338 42.0 11.6 17.3 2008 05 04 23 43.27 +08 27.6 3.968 3.332 45.0 12.4 17.2 2008 05 09 23 49.31 +09 10.2 3.915 3.327 48.1 13.1 17.2 2008 05 14 23 55.23 +09 52.3 3.860 3.322 51.2 13.7 17.1 2008 05 19 00 01.03 +10 34.0 3.803 3.318 54.4 14.4 17.1 2008 05 24 00 06.70 +11 15.0 3.745 3.313 57.6 14.9 17.1 2008 05 29 00 12.22 +11 55.3 3.684 3.309 60.8 15.5 17.0 2008 06 03 00 17.59 +12 34.8 3.621 3.305 64.0 16.0 17.0 2008 06 08 00 22.78 +13 13.3 3.557 3.302 67.3 16.5 16.9 2008 06 13 00 27.77 +13 50.7 3.492 3.298 70.7 16.9 16.9 2008 06 18 00 32.56 +14 26.9 3.426 3.295 74.1 17.2 16.9 2008 06 23 00 37.13 +15 01.8 3.358 3.292 77.5 17.5 16.8 2008 06 28 00 41.46 +15 35.2 3.290 3.289 81.0 17.8 16.8 2008 07 03 00 45.52 +16 07.1 3.222 3.286 84.6 17.9 16.7This comet gets close to the sun during the period covered in the ephemeris below. Observers are warned to be wary of observing comets near the sun. NEVER point any kind of optical instrument at the sun--instant blindness will be the probable result.