Orbital Elements

The following orbital elements are taken from MPC 54367:
Epoch 2001 May 11.0 TT = JDT 2452040.5
T 2001 Apr. 24.2165 TT                                  MPC
q  11.788288             (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.0152138      Peri.  344.0482      +0.1854456      +0.9373503
a  16.130338       Node   295.8435      -0.8619483      +0.0110429
e   0.269185       Incl.   19.1296      -0.4718634      +0.3482131
P  64.8
From 51 observations 2002-2005, mean residual 0".3.
Elements are also available for the current standard epoch:
Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5
T 2001 Apr. 24.7721 TT                                  MPC
q  11.789183             (2000.0)            P               Q
n   0.0150820      Peri.  344.0477      +0.1844353      +0.9376688
a  16.224216       Node   295.7877      -0.8621985      +0.0104946
e   0.273359       Incl.   19.0947      -0.4718023      +0.3473718
P  65.4
An explanation of the orbital elements is available.

These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.


The following ephemeris is at intervals of five days. A daily ephemeris covering the same time interval is also available.

Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.

Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2


This comet gets close to the sun during the period covered in the ephemeris below. Observers are warned to be wary of observing comets near the sun. NEVER point any kind of optical instrument at the sun--instant blindness will be the probable result.

2007 05 30 22 26.58 +03 35.4 13.053 13.064 88.4 4.4 21.0 2007 06 04 22 26.82 +03 43.7 12.977 13.070 93.0 4.4 21.0 2007 06 09 22 26.93 +03 51.4 12.902 13.075 97.6 4.4 21.0 2007 06 14 22 26.94 +03 58.4 12.827 13.080 102.2 4.4 21.0 2007 06 19 22 26.82 +04 04.7 12.754 13.085 106.8 4.3 21.0 2007 06 24 22 26.60 +04 10.3 12.684 13.090 111.5 4.1 21.0 2007 06 29 22 26.26 +04 15.1 12.615 13.095 116.1 4.0 21.0 2007 07 04 22 25.82 +04 19.1 12.550 13.100 120.8 3.8 20.9 2007 07 09 22 25.28 +04 22.3 12.489 13.105 125.5 3.6 20.9 2007 07 14 22 24.63 +04 24.6 12.432 13.111 130.2 3.4 20.9 2007 07 19 22 23.90 +04 26.2 12.379 13.116 134.8 3.2 20.9 2007 07 24 22 23.09 +04 26.9 12.332 13.121 139.5 2.9 20.8 2007 07 29 22 22.20 +04 26.9 12.290 13.126 144.0 2.6 20.8 2007 08 03 22 21.24 +04 26.0 12.255 13.131 148.6 2.3 20.8 2007 08 08 22 20.23 +04 24.5 12.225 13.136 152.9 2.0 20.8 2007 08 13 22 19.18 +04 22.1 12.202 13.141 157.1 1.7 20.7 2007 08 18 22 18.10 +04 19.1 12.186 13.147 160.8 1.5 20.7 2007 08 23 22 16.99 +04 15.5 12.177 13.152 163.8 1.2 20.7 2007 08 28 22 15.88 +04 11.3 12.176 13.157 165.7 1.1 20.7 2007 09 02 22 14.78 +04 06.6 12.181 13.162 165.9 1.1 20.7 2007 09 07 22 13.69 +04 01.5 12.194 13.167 164.4 1.2 20.7 2007 09 12 22 12.63 +03 56.0 12.214 13.173 161.5 1.4 20.7 2007 09 17 22 11.62 +03 50.2 12.241 13.178 157.8 1.6 20.7 2007 09 22 22 10.66 +03 44.2 12.276 13.183 153.7 1.9 20.8 2007 09 27 22 09.77 +03 38.2 12.317 13.188 149.3 2.2 20.8 2007 10 02 22 08.96 +03 32.1 12.364 13.194 144.7 2.5 20.8 2007 10 07 22 08.23 +03 26.0 12.418 13.199 140.0 2.8 20.9 2007 10 12 22 07.59 +03 20.2 12.477 13.204 135.2 3.1 20.9 2007 10 17 22 07.05 +03 14.5 12.542 13.209 130.3 3.3 20.9 2007 10 22 22 06.63 +03 09.1 12.612 13.215 125.5 3.5 20.9 2007 10 27 22 06.31 +03 04.2 12.686 13.220 120.6 3.7 21.0 2007 11 01 22 06.12 +02 59.6 12.763 13.225 115.8 3.9 21.0 2007 11 06 22 06.04 +02 55.6 12.845 13.230 110.9 4.0 21.0 2007 11 11 22 06.08 +02 52.1 12.928 13.236 106.0 4.1 21.0 2007 11 16 22 06.25 +02 49.2 13.014 13.241 101.2 4.2 21.1 2007 11 21 22 06.53 +02 47.0 13.101 13.246 96.3 4.3 21.1 2007 11 26 22 06.94 +02 45.5 13.189 13.252 91.5 4.3 21.1 2007 12 01 22 07.46 +02 44.7 13.277 13.257 86.7 4.3 21.1 2007 12 06 22 08.09 +02 44.6 13.365 13.262 81.9 4.2 21.1 2007 12 11 22 08.84 +02 45.3 13.452 13.267 77.1 4.1 21.1 2007 12 16 22 09.69 +02 46.7 13.537 13.273 72.4 4.1 21.1 2007 12 21 22 10.64 +02 48.9 13.620 13.278 67.7 3.9 21.1 2007 12 26 22 11.69 +02 51.9 13.701 13.283 63.0 3.8 21.2 2007 12 31 22 12.82 +02 55.6 13.778 13.289 58.4 3.6 21.2 2008 01 05 22 14.04 +03 00.1 13.852 13.294 53.8 3.4 21.2 2008 01 10 22 15.33 +03 05.4 13.921 13.299 49.2 3.2 21.2 2008 01 15 22 16.69 +03 11.3 13.986 13.305 44.7 3.0 21.2 2008 01 20 22 18.10 +03 18.0 14.046 13.310 40.2 2.7 21.1 2008 01 25 22 19.57 +03 25.3 14.101 13.316 35.9 2.5 21.1 2008 01 30 22 21.09 +03 33.2 14.150 13.321 31.6 2.2 21.1 2008 02 04 22 22.64 +03 41.8 14.193 13.326 27.4 2.0 21.1 2008 02 09 22 24.22 +03 50.9 14.231 13.332 23.5 1.7 21.1 2008 02 14 22 25.83 +04 00.6 14.262 13.337 19.8 1.4 21.1 2008 02 19 22 27.45 +04 10.7 14.287 13.342 16.6 1.2 21.1 2008 02 24 22 29.07 +04 21.3 14.305 13.348 14.2 1.0 21.1 2008 02 29 22 30.69 +04 32.3 14.317 13.353 13.0 1.0 21.1 2008 03 05 22 32.31 +04 43.7 14.322 13.359 13.3 1.0 21.1 2008 03 10 22 33.91 +04 55.4 14.321 13.364 15.0 1.1 21.1 2008 03 15 22 35.49 +05 07.3 14.313 13.369 17.8 1.3 21.1 2008 03 20 22 37.03 +05 19.5 14.299 13.375 21.1 1.5 21.1 2008 03 25 22 38.54 +05 31.9 14.279 13.380 24.8 1.8 21.1 2008 03 30 22 40.01 +05 44.4 14.253 13.386 28.7 2.1 21.1 2008 04 04 22 41.42 +05 56.9 14.221 13.391 32.8 2.3 21.2 2008 04 09 22 42.78 +06 09.5 14.183 13.397 37.0 2.6 21.2 2008 04 14 22 44.07 +06 22.1 14.141 13.402 41.2 2.8 21.2 2008 04 19 22 45.30 +06 34.6 14.093 13.408 45.5 3.1 21.2 2008 04 24 22 46.45 +06 46.9 14.040 13.413 49.8 3.3 21.2 2008 04 29 22 47.52 +06 59.1 13.984 13.418 54.1 3.5 21.2 2008 05 04 22 48.50 +07 11.1 13.923 13.424 58.5 3.7 21.2 2008 05 09 22 49.39 +07 22.8 13.859 13.429 62.9 3.8 21.2 2008 05 14 22 50.19 +07 34.1 13.792 13.435 67.3 4.0 21.2 2008 05 19 22 50.89 +07 45.1 13.723 13.440 71.7 4.1 21.2 2008 05 24 22 51.49 +07 55.6 13.651 13.446 76.2 4.2 21.2 2008 05 29 22 51.98 +08 05.6 13.578 13.451 80.7 4.3 21.2 2008 06 03 22 52.37 +08 15.1 13.504 13.457 85.2 4.3 21.2 2008 06 08 22 52.64 +08 24.1 13.430 13.462 89.7 4.3 21.2 2008 06 13 22 52.80 +08 32.4 13.355 13.468 94.2 4.3 21.2 2008 06 18 22 52.85 +08 40.0 13.281 13.473 98.8 4.3 21.1 2008 06 23 22 52.79 +08 46.9 13.208 13.479 103.3 4.2 21.1 2008 06 28 22 52.62 +08 53.1 13.136 13.484 107.9 4.1 21.1 2008 07 03 22 52.34 +08 58.5 13.067 13.490 112.5 4.0 21.1

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