166P/NEAT Epoch 2002 May 6.0 TT = JDT 2452400.5 T 2002 May 20.6225 TT MPC q 8.564238 (2000.0) P Q n 0.0189936 Peri. 321.8534 +0.8761488 -0.4185493 a 13.912242 Node 64.5004 +0.4810925 +0.7281518 e 0.384410 Incl. 15.3628 +0.0302205 +0.5427813 P 51.9 From 130 observations 2001-2005, mean residual 0".5.Elements are also available for the current standard epoch:
166P/NEAT Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 T 2002 May 13.1200 TT MPC q 8.553980 (2000.0) P Q n 0.0191846 Peri. 321.5236 +0.8785930 -0.4132431 a 13.819776 Node 64.4879 +0.4768160 +0.7308669 e 0.381033 Incl. 15.3816 +0.0268475 +0.5431977 P 51.4An explanation of the orbital elements is available.
These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.
Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.
Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2WARNING! 2007 05 30 06 25.62 +31 18.1 11.511 10.631 28.4 2.6 20.7 2007 06 04 06 28.03 +31 17.0 11.555 10.640 24.4 2.3 20.7 2007 06 09 06 30.49 +31 16.0 11.594 10.649 20.4 1.9 20.7 2007 06 14 06 32.99 +31 15.1 11.627 10.658 16.6 1.6 20.7 2007 06 19 06 35.52 +31 14.2 11.654 10.667 13.1 1.2 20.6 2007 06 24 06 38.07 +31 13.5 11.675 10.676 10.1 1.0 20.6 2007 06 29 06 40.62 +31 12.8 11.690 10.686 8.3 0.8 20.6 2007 07 04 06 43.18 +31 12.2 11.699 10.695 8.4 0.8 20.6 2007 07 09 06 45.73 +31 11.7 11.702 10.704 10.4 1.0 20.6 2007 07 14 06 48.27 +31 11.4 11.699 10.713 13.4 1.3 20.7 2007 07 19 06 50.78 +31 11.2 11.690 10.722 17.0 1.6 20.7 2007 07 24 06 53.25 +31 11.1 11.675 10.731 20.8 1.9 20.7 2007 07 29 06 55.68 +31 11.3 11.654 10.741 24.8 2.3 20.7 2007 08 03 06 58.06 +31 11.6 11.628 10.750 28.8 2.6 20.8 2007 08 08 07 00.37 +31 12.1 11.596 10.759 33.0 2.9 20.8 2007 08 13 07 02.61 +31 12.9 11.559 10.768 37.1 3.3 20.8 2007 08 18 07 04.78 +31 13.9 11.516 10.778 41.4 3.6 20.8 2007 08 23 07 06.85 +31 15.2 11.469 10.787 45.7 3.8 20.8 2007 08 28 07 08.82 +31 16.8 11.418 10.796 50.0 4.1 20.8 2007 09 02 07 10.69 +31 18.8 11.362 10.805 54.3 4.4 20.8 2007 09 07 07 12.45 +31 21.0 11.303 10.815 58.7 4.6 20.8 2007 09 12 07 14.08 +31 23.7 11.240 10.824 63.2 4.8 20.8 2007 09 17 07 15.57 +31 26.7 11.175 10.833 67.7 4.9 20.8 2007 09 22 07 16.93 +31 30.0 11.107 10.842 72.2 5.1 20.8 2007 09 27 07 18.13 +31 33.8 11.036 10.852 76.8 5.2 20.8 2007 10 02 07 19.18 +31 38.0 10.965 10.861 81.4 5.2 20.8 2007 10 07 07 20.07 +31 42.5 10.892 10.870 86.1 5.3 20.8 2007 10 12 07 20.79 +31 47.5 10.819 10.879 90.9 5.3 20.8 2007 10 17 07 21.34 +31 52.9 10.746 10.889 95.6 5.2 20.8 2007 10 22 07 21.71 +31 58.6 10.673 10.898 100.5 5.2 20.8 2007 10 27 07 21.90 +32 04.6 10.602 10.907 105.3 5.0 20.7 2007 11 01 07 21.91 +32 10.9 10.533 10.917 110.3 4.9 20.7 2007 11 06 07 21.73 +32 17.5 10.467 10.926 115.2 4.7 20.7 2007 11 11 07 21.38 +32 24.3 10.403 10.935 120.2 4.5 20.7 2007 11 16 07 20.85 +32 31.3 10.344 10.945 125.2 4.2 20.6 2007 11 21 07 20.15 +32 38.3 10.289 10.954 130.3 3.9 20.6 2007 11 26 07 19.29 +32 45.4 10.239 10.963 135.4 3.6 20.6 2007 12 01 07 18.27 +32 52.4 10.194 10.973 140.5 3.3 20.6 2007 12 06 07 17.12 +32 59.3 10.156 10.982 145.5 2.9 20.5 2007 12 11 07 15.83 +33 06.0 10.124 10.991 150.5 2.5 20.5 2007 12 16 07 14.44 +33 12.4 10.098 11.001 155.4 2.1 20.5 2007 12 21 07 12.96 +33 18.4 10.080 11.010 160.1 1.7 20.4 2007 12 26 07 11.40 +33 24.1 10.070 11.019 164.3 1.4 20.4 2007 12 31 07 09.79 +33 29.2 10.067 11.029 167.6 1.1 20.4 2008 01 05 07 08.16 +33 33.8 10.071 11.038 169.0 1.0 20.4 2008 01 10 07 06.51 +33 37.9 10.084 11.048 168.0 1.1 20.4 2008 01 15 07 04.89 +33 41.3 10.104 11.057 164.9 1.3 20.4 2008 01 20 07 03.30 +33 44.1 10.133 11.066 160.8 1.7 20.5 2008 01 25 07 01.77 +33 46.2 10.168 11.076 156.2 2.1 20.5 2008 01 30 07 00.33 +33 47.7 10.211 11.085 151.3 2.4 20.5 2008 02 04 06 58.98 +33 48.6 10.260 11.095 146.4 2.8 20.6 2008 02 09 06 57.75 +33 48.9 10.317 11.104 141.3 3.2 20.6 2008 02 14 06 56.65 +33 48.6 10.379 11.113 136.3 3.5 20.6 2008 02 19 06 55.70 +33 47.7 10.447 11.123 131.2 3.8 20.7 2008 02 24 06 54.91 +33 46.4 10.520 11.132 126.2 4.1 20.7 2008 02 29 06 54.28 +33 44.6 10.597 11.142 121.2 4.4 20.7 2008 03 05 06 53.82 +33 42.4 10.678 11.151 116.2 4.6 20.8 2008 03 10 06 53.54 +33 39.8 10.762 11.161 111.2 4.8 20.8 2008 03 15 06 53.44 +33 36.8 10.850 11.170 106.3 4.9 20.8 2008 03 20 06 53.52 +33 33.6 10.939 11.179 101.5 5.0 20.9 2008 03 25 06 53.78 +33 30.2 11.029 11.189 96.7 5.1 20.9 2008 03 30 06 54.22 +33 26.5 11.121 11.198 91.9 5.1 20.9 2008 04 04 06 54.82 +33 22.6 11.212 11.208 87.2 5.1 20.9 2008 04 09 06 55.60 +33 18.6 11.304 11.217 82.5 5.1 20.9 2008 04 14 06 56.54 +33 14.5 11.394 11.227 77.9 5.0 21.0 2008 04 19 06 57.63 +33 10.3 11.483 11.236 73.3 4.9 21.0 2008 04 24 06 58.87 +33 06.0 11.570 11.246 68.8 4.8 21.0 2008 04 29 07 00.25 +33 01.7 11.655 11.255 64.3 4.6 21.0 2008 05 04 07 01.75 +32 57.3 11.737 11.264 59.9 4.4 21.0 2008 05 09 07 03.39 +32 52.9 11.815 11.274 55.5 4.2 21.0 2008 05 14 07 05.13 +32 48.5 11.890 11.283 51.1 4.0 21.0 2008 05 19 07 06.98 +32 44.1 11.961 11.293 46.8 3.7 21.0 2008 05 24 07 08.92 +32 39.8 12.027 11.302 42.6 3.5 21.0 2008 05 29 07 10.95 +32 35.4 12.089 11.312 38.4 3.2 21.0 2008 06 03 07 13.06 +32 31.2 12.146 11.321 34.2 2.9 21.0 2008 06 08 07 15.23 +32 26.9 12.197 11.331 30.1 2.6 21.0 2008 06 13 07 17.46 +32 22.8 12.243 11.340 26.2 2.3 21.0 2008 06 18 07 19.74 +32 18.7 12.283 11.350 22.3 1.9 21.0 2008 06 23 07 22.06 +32 14.7 12.318 11.359 18.6 1.6 20.9 2008 06 28 07 24.41 +32 10.9 12.347 11.369 15.2 1.3 20.9 2008 07 03 07 26.78 +32 07.1 12.369 11.378 12.4 1.1 20.9This comet gets close to the sun during the period covered in the ephemeris below. Observers are warned to be wary of observing comets near the sun. NEVER point any kind of optical instrument at the sun--instant blindness will be the probable result.