157P/Tritton Epoch 2010 Feb. 13.0 TT = JDT 2455240.5 T 2010 Feb. 20.5381 TT MPC q 1.360203 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1565412 Peri. 148.7474 +0.0163449 -0.9938434 a 3.409706 Node 300.1089 +0.8892339 +0.0645588 e 0.601079 Incl. 7.2774 +0.4571606 -0.0900417 P 6.30 From 214 observations 1978-2004, mean residual 0".8.Elements are also available for the current standard epoch:
157P/Tritton Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 T 2010 Feb. 25.0932 TT MPC q 1.406038 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1535351 Peri. 147.5029 +0.0337926 -0.9936279 a 3.454068 Node 300.3534 +0.8882695 +0.0791708 e 0.592933 Incl. 7.1579 +0.4580779 -0.0802216 P 6.42An explanation of the orbital elements is available.
These orbital elements are also available in forms suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software programs.
Personalized ephemerides for this (and other) objects may be generated using the Minor Planet & Comet Ephemeris Service.
Recent magnitude estimates for this comet (as reported to the ICQ) may be available.
Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2WARNING! 2007 05 30 18 55.64 -26 18.8 4.552 5.418 145.5 6.1 20.6 2007 06 04 18 52.96 -26 22.1 4.504 5.413 150.9 5.2 20.6 2007 06 09 18 50.01 -26 25.3 4.463 5.408 156.3 4.3 20.6 2007 06 14 18 46.85 -26 28.1 4.429 5.402 161.7 3.4 20.6 2007 06 19 18 43.51 -26 30.6 4.402 5.397 167.1 2.4 20.5 2007 06 24 18 40.04 -26 32.5 4.382 5.391 172.3 1.4 20.5 2007 06 29 18 36.49 -26 33.8 4.370 5.385 176.4 0.7 20.5 2007 07 04 18 32.92 -26 34.5 4.366 5.379 174.6 1.0 20.5 2007 07 09 18 29.38 -26 34.5 4.370 5.373 169.7 1.9 20.5 2007 07 14 18 25.92 -26 33.8 4.381 5.367 164.4 2.9 20.5 2007 07 19 18 22.58 -26 32.4 4.400 5.361 158.9 3.9 20.5 2007 07 24 18 19.43 -26 30.5 4.425 5.354 153.5 4.9 20.5 2007 07 29 18 16.51 -26 27.9 4.458 5.347 148.1 5.8 20.5 2007 08 03 18 13.85 -26 24.9 4.497 5.340 142.8 6.6 20.5 2007 08 08 18 11.47 -26 21.4 4.542 5.334 137.5 7.4 20.6 2007 08 13 18 09.42 -26 17.6 4.592 5.326 132.3 8.1 20.6 2007 08 18 18 07.71 -26 13.6 4.647 5.319 127.1 8.7 20.6 2007 08 23 18 06.35 -26 09.4 4.706 5.312 122.0 9.3 20.6 2007 08 28 18 05.35 -26 05.1 4.769 5.304 116.9 9.8 20.6 2007 09 02 18 04.72 -26 00.7 4.835 5.296 112.0 10.2 20.7 2007 09 07 18 04.45 -25 56.3 4.904 5.288 107.1 10.5 20.7 2007 09 12 18 04.54 -25 52.0 4.974 5.280 102.2 10.7 20.7 2007 09 17 18 04.99 -25 47.7 5.046 5.272 97.5 10.9 20.7 2007 09 22 18 05.79 -25 43.4 5.118 5.264 92.8 11.0 20.8 2007 09 27 18 06.91 -25 39.1 5.191 5.255 88.2 11.0 20.8 2007 10 02 18 08.36 -25 34.9 5.263 5.246 83.6 10.9 20.8 2007 10 07 18 10.11 -25 30.7 5.335 5.238 79.0 10.8 20.8 2007 10 12 18 12.15 -25 26.5 5.405 5.229 74.6 10.6 20.8 2007 10 17 18 14.47 -25 22.2 5.473 5.219 70.1 10.3 20.9 2007 10 22 18 17.05 -25 17.8 5.539 5.210 65.8 10.0 20.9 2007 10 27 18 19.87 -25 13.2 5.602 5.201 61.4 9.7 20.9 2007 11 01 18 22.91 -25 08.5 5.662 5.191 57.1 9.2 20.9 2007 11 06 18 26.17 -25 03.5 5.719 5.181 52.9 8.8 20.9 2007 11 11 18 29.62 -24 58.3 5.772 5.171 48.6 8.3 20.9 2007 11 16 18 33.25 -24 52.8 5.821 5.161 44.4 7.7 21.0 2007 11 21 18 37.05 -24 46.9 5.865 5.151 40.3 7.1 21.0 2007 11 26 18 40.99 -24 40.7 5.905 5.141 36.1 6.5 21.0 2007 12 01 18 45.06 -24 34.0 5.940 5.130 32.0 5.8 21.0 2007 12 06 18 49.25 -24 27.0 5.970 5.119 27.9 5.2 21.0 2007 12 11 18 53.54 -24 19.4 5.994 5.108 23.8 4.5 21.0 2007 12 16 18 57.92 -24 11.4 6.013 5.097 19.7 3.7 21.0 2007 12 21 19 02.37 -24 03.0 6.026 5.086 15.7 3.0 21.0 2007 12 26 19 06.88 -23 54.0 6.034 5.075 11.6 2.2 21.0 2007 12 31 19 11.44 -23 44.6 6.036 5.063 7.6 1.5 20.9 2008 01 05 19 16.03 -23 34.7 6.032 5.052 3.7 0.7 20.9 2008 01 10 19 20.63 -23 24.3 6.023 5.040 1.4 0.3 20.9 2008 01 15 19 25.25 -23 13.5 6.007 5.028 4.7 0.9 20.9 2008 01 20 19 29.85 -23 02.2 5.986 5.015 8.7 1.7 20.9 2008 01 25 19 34.43 -22 50.5 5.959 5.003 12.7 2.5 20.9 2008 01 30 19 38.97 -22 38.5 5.926 4.991 16.7 3.2 20.8 2008 02 04 19 43.47 -22 26.1 5.888 4.978 20.7 4.0 20.8 2008 02 09 19 47.91 -22 13.5 5.844 4.965 24.7 4.8 20.8 2008 02 14 19 52.28 -22 00.6 5.795 4.952 28.7 5.5 20.8 2008 02 19 19 56.55 -21 47.5 5.741 4.939 32.7 6.2 20.7 2008 02 24 20 00.73 -21 34.3 5.682 4.926 36.8 6.9 20.7 2008 02 29 20 04.79 -21 21.1 5.619 4.912 40.8 7.6 20.7 2008 03 05 20 08.73 -21 07.8 5.551 4.898 44.9 8.2 20.6 2008 03 10 20 12.53 -20 54.7 5.478 4.884 49.0 8.8 20.6 2008 03 15 20 16.17 -20 41.7 5.402 4.870 53.1 9.4 20.5 2008 03 20 20 19.64 -20 28.9 5.323 4.856 57.2 9.9 20.5 2008 03 25 20 22.93 -20 16.4 5.240 4.842 61.4 10.4 20.4 2008 03 30 20 26.02 -20 04.4 5.154 4.827 65.6 10.9 20.4 2008 04 04 20 28.90 -19 52.9 5.065 4.813 69.8 11.2 20.3 2008 04 09 20 31.54 -19 41.9 4.975 4.798 74.1 11.6 20.3 2008 04 14 20 33.94 -19 31.6 4.882 4.783 78.4 11.9 20.2 2008 04 19 20 36.08 -19 22.1 4.789 4.767 82.8 12.1 20.2 2008 04 24 20 37.94 -19 13.5 4.694 4.752 87.2 12.2 20.1 2008 04 29 20 39.50 -19 05.8 4.599 4.737 91.6 12.3 20.1 2008 05 04 20 40.76 -18 59.2 4.504 4.721 96.2 12.3 20.0 2008 05 09 20 41.68 -18 53.7 4.410 4.705 100.8 12.2 19.9 2008 05 14 20 42.26 -18 49.3 4.317 4.689 105.5 12.0 19.9 2008 05 19 20 42.48 -18 46.3 4.225 4.672 110.2 11.7 19.8 2008 05 24 20 42.33 -18 44.5 4.136 4.656 115.1 11.4 19.8 2008 05 29 20 41.80 -18 44.0 4.049 4.639 120.0 10.9 19.7 2008 06 03 20 40.89 -18 44.8 3.966 4.623 125.0 10.4 19.6 2008 06 08 20 39.58 -18 47.0 3.886 4.606 130.1 9.7 19.6 2008 06 13 20 37.88 -18 50.4 3.811 4.588 135.3 9.0 19.5 2008 06 18 20 35.81 -18 55.0 3.741 4.571 140.5 8.1 19.5 2008 06 23 20 33.37 -19 00.7 3.676 4.553 145.9 7.2 19.4 2008 06 28 20 30.58 -19 07.4 3.618 4.536 151.3 6.2 19.4 2008 07 03 20 27.48 -19 14.9 3.565 4.518 156.8 5.1 19.3This comet gets close to the sun during the period covered in the ephemeris below. Observers are warned to be wary of observing comets near the sun. NEVER point any kind of optical instrument at the sun--instant blindness will be the probable result.