Q: What is the speed of Arcturus toward/away from us? A: One of the absorption lines in the Sun's spectrum has a wavelength of about 883.8 nm. In the spectrum of Arcturus, that same line appears at 884.0 nm. So the shift is observed lambda - rest lambda = 884.0 - 883.8 = 0.2 nm We can use this shift to compute the speed of Arcturus relative to the Sun: v 0.2 nm ----- = ---------- = 0.000 226 c 883.8 nm So v = 0.000 226 * c = 0.000 226 * (3 x 10^8 m/s) = 67,800 m/s Because the observed wavelength is longer than the rest wavelength, Arcturus must be moving AWAY from us at 67.8 km/s.