Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Looking for the period

There are a number of phenomena in astronomy which give rise to periodic signals:

If you suspect that your target is varying in a regular way, how can you find its period? Today, I'll give some general background on the analysis of a periodic signal, and then explain in detail one of the many different methods for finding the period: the string-length technique.

Background: phase and amplitude

Consider a very simple periodic signal:

A sine wave described by

      y  =  3 * sin( x )

We can describe this signal with two parameters:

If we have a very long stretch of data, and we plot the signal versus time, we end up with a very long graph:

It is possible to squish a very long stretch of data onto a small graph if one converts the time variable to a related quantity: phase. Phase is defined as the fractional portion of the number of periods which have elapsed at a given time:

          phase at time t  =  fractional portion of  (  ---------  )

                                    t                    t
                           =    --------  -   int (  ---------- )
                                 period                period

The phase ranges over a fixed, small range: from 0.0 (start of a period) to 1.0 (end of a period). If we take that same sine curve as before, with data running from time t=0 to t=50, and this time plot its value versus phase, we get a very simple graph:

This has nice features:

As you will see below, we can use phase diagrams to figure out the period of an unknown signal.

Using phase diagrams to find the period

What happens if we try to calculate the phase of a signal, but do so with the wrong period? Once again, we'll use a simple sine curve to illustrate. But this time, we'll calculate the phase with a period slightly different from the true value. When we plot the points in a phase diagram, we see this:

Hey! The phased data no longer lie along a single, smooth locus in the diagram. Instead, they form a wide band. This is a signal that the period used to calculate the phase was incorrect.

If we use a period which is far from the true value, the phased data scatter all over the diagram:

Only if the proper period is used to calculate the phase will the data fall along a single, narrow path in the phase diagram. We can use this fact to determine the period: pick a period, calculate the phase, and plot the resulting phase diagram. Modify the period and repeat until the points fall along a narrow locus.

The method ought to work, but it sounds pretty subjective; is there any way to make it quantitative? Yes! The string-length method provides a numeric metric for assessing the "narrowness" of the locus of points in a phase diagram. A good reference is the paper A period-finding method for sparse randomly spaced observations of 'How long is a piece of string?' by Mike Dworetsky, MNRAS, 203, 917 (1983); you can find it on-line at

The idea is simple:


  1. Pick a period
  2. Calculate the phase of each datum
  3. Make a phase diagram
  4. Draw a line ("a piece of string") connecting each point with its nearest neighbor in phase
  5. Add up the lengths of all the lines ("pieces of string")
  6. Go to LOOP

The period which yields the smallest sum of lengths ("shortest piece of string") is the best estimate of the true period.

Give it a try! Here are some measurements of a variable star on several nights during the course of week:

   Time (truncated Julian Date)          Magnitude
   ----------------------------         -----------
          12.46                           8.417 
          12.55                           8.500 
          12.64                           8.835 
          12.73                           9.167 
          12.79                           9.261 
          13.45                           9.267 
          13.54                           9.078 
          13.63                           8.707 
          13.69                           8.499 
          15.52                           8.836 
          15.61                           8.503 
          15.70                           8.415 
          15.79                           8.632 
          17.68                           8.530 
          17.77                           8.880 

A light curve of the star looks like this:

Make a guess at a reasonable range for the period -- it's some fraction of a day. Then, divide the interval into a number of pieces, and for each candidate period, make a phase diagram and calculate the string length. It takes time ... but one can easily program a computer to perform the calculations.

For more information

Jeff Robertson of Indiana University gave a very nice list of references for period-finding techniques in an E-mail to VSNET (vsnet-chat 131), which I reproduce below:


An old but nice introduction and review to the four or five most popular period
finding methods can be found in [1] by Fullerton. This includes the various
"string-length" methods made popular by Lafler and Kinman [2]. This method has
been expanded upon by Stellingwerf [3] with the PDM method which is now a part
of IRAF. Most of the people I am associated with use FFT methods as prescibed
by Horne and Baliunas [4] and can now be found in the Numerical Recipes [5]
book. There is also a DFT method [6] which I am not to familiar with.

I am also interested in anyone else's methods and ideas...

1. The Study of Variable Stars Using Small Telescopes, Fullerton, A.W. 1986,
   ed. J.R. Percy, Cambridge University Press, p 201-218.

2. An RR Lyrae Survey With The Lick 20-inch Astrograph II. The Calculation
   An RR Lyrae Survey With The Lick 20-inch Astrograph II. The Calculation
   of RR Lyrae Periods By Electronic Computer, Lafler, J. and Kinman, T.D.
    ApJS 11, p 216-222. 

3. Period Determination Using Phase Dispersion Minimization (PDM), 
   Stellingwerf, R.F. 1978,  ApJ 224, 953-960. 

4. A Prescription for Period Analysis of Unevenly Sampled Time Series,
   Horne, J. and Baliunas, S. 1986,  ApJ 302, 757-763. 

5. Search Algorithm For Weak Periodic Signals In Unevenly Spaced Time-Series,
   Press, W.H. and Teukolsky, S.A., Numerical Recipes, Cambridge Univ. Press.

6. Time Series Analysis with Clean - Part One - Derivation of a Spectrum,
   Roberts, D. H., Lehar, J., Dreher, J. W., 
   1987,  AJ, 93, 968.

   which is illustrated in practice here ...

   Discovery of a possible X-ray triple - 4U 1915-05,
   Grindlay, J. E., Bailyn, C. D., Cohn, H., Lugger, P. M., Thorstensen, J. R.,
   Wegner, G., 1988,  ApJ, 34L, 25 

You can find a set of programs to do the job in various ways at the VSNET "Tools and Programs" site:

One of the best tools is the "AVE" program written by the Grup d'Estudis Astronomics in Spain.

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.