Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Optical Telescopes II

Modern use of refractors

In the late 1800s, the refractor was King: the largest telescopes in the world were the 36-inch at Lick Observatory and the 40-inch at Yerkes.

But around the turn of the century, astronomers decided that they needed as much light-gathering power as possible in order to measure spectra and detect faint stars and galaxies on photographic plates. Reflectors could be made larger than refractors, so the tide turned, and mirrors with larger and larger diameters took over. George Ellery Hale was the driving force behind the construction of a series of very influential instruments:

For most of the twentieth century, refractors fell out of the mainstream of professional astronomical research.

But in the past 20 to 30 years, they have made a strong resurgence, as a result of three factors:

Let's go through one example to see how this works. We begin with a lens, of diameter D and focal length L.

The focal ratio of the lens is

On the other end of the camera is a detector with pixels.

The relationship between a pixel's physical size p and its angular size α on the image plane is simply

Now, some typical numbers for astronomical instruments of interest, as you will see eventually, are

That might sound like a small telescope, but it's a pretty darn big lens.

One can use this information to compute the angle subtended by pixels in a telescope, and the solid angle covered by each pixel.

   Lens Diam D   focal ratio   focal length   pix ang size   pix ang area
     (mm)           f              L (mm)        (arcsec)     (sq. arcsec)

    100            2.5                                                      

    100            5                                                        

    100           10                                                       

    100           15                                                       


Here's the filled-in version.

   Lens Diam D   focal ratio   focal length   pix ang size   pix ang area
     (mm)           f              L (mm)        (arcsec)     (sq. arcsec)

    100            2.5            250             8.25           68.07

    100            5              500             4.12           17.02

    100           10             1000             2.06            4.25

    100           15             1500             1.38            1.89


So, in general,

  Q:  Which is better: a short focal length, or a long focal length?

Well, the only real answer is "It depends on what you are trying to do." For example, suppose you are trying to make the best measurements possible of the BRIGHTNESS of some stars. We'll discuss this in a future lecture, but one way to compute the signal-to-noise ratio in the measurement of a star with an electronic detector looks like this:


     N(star)                 is the number of electrons from the star
                                   which fall within the aperture

     N(backpp)               is the number of electrons Per Pixel
                                   due to the sky background

     N(thermpp)              is the number of electrons Per Pixel
                                   due to thermal effects

     R                       is the readout noise per pixel, in electrons

     npix                    is the number of pixels in the aperture

In certain situations, the limiting factor in the measurements becomes the noise due to background or thermal effects in the detector. In such cases, spreading the light from a star over a large number of pixels will lead to a larger amount of noise.

So, in SOME situations, a larger focal ratio, and longer focal length, creates much smaller pixels, spreading out the light from an object over many pixels. If we are fighting against sources of noise -- such as background light or readout noise or dark current -- which affect each pixel independently, then we will lose the signal-to-noise battle as the light of our target is spread out over many pixels.

In other words, a short focal ratio means big pixels, and, in SOME situations, big pixels mean a higher signal-to-noise ratio in short exposures.

  Q:  What happens if we make the focal ratio _too_ small,
           and the pixels get _too_ big?

Yes, if the pixels are so large that they cause neighboring stars to blend together, we won't be able to measure the light of each star properly. That brings up another question: just what is the typical distance between stars? It would be convenient to express this in arcseconds, of course.

Let's choose stars of magnitude 10. There are very roughly 500,000 (half a million) such stars, and let's assume that they are spaced evenly all over the sky. In real life, of course, there are more in certain directions.

  Q:  How many square degrees does it take to cover
          the entire sky?

  Q:  How many stars of mag 10 can we expect to find
          in each square degree?

  Q:  What is the typical distance between mag 10 stars?
          (in degrees, and in arcsec)

Right. So, armed with this knowledge, we know that wide-field surveys which target hundreds or thousands of stars at a time will want to use a lens with LARGE diameter (and hence large focal length), but SMALL focal ratio. The typical description of a lens in photographic catalogs looks like

           200 mm              f/4   

          focal length       focal ratio

Can you find prices for lenses which have focal lengths between 150 mm and 300 mm, and focal ratios between f/1.2 and f/6?

In particular, you might check out the Canon 200mm f/1.8, which has been adopted by several astronomical projects.

You might be wondering why I'm spending so much time to talk about surveys of "boring old stars" with magnitudes between 8 and 12. Well, one reason is that I've spent quite a bit of time working on a couple of surveys of this type, so this is stuff I actually understand pretty well.

Here's a picture of one of the Mark III triplets, showing the three telescopes (each a camera lens and CCD) which point at the celestial equator.

Figure 1 taken from Richmond et al., PASP 112, 397 (2000)

The telescopes don't move; instead, they operate in "drift-scan" mode, reading out the CCD at exactly the same rate that stars drift across the field of view. The optics in this system are 135mm f/2.8 lenses.

  Q:  Why were these lenses chosen for TASS Mark III?

A few refractor-based sky surveys of the future

The future looks bright for refractors in astronomy, as many people remain fascinated by exoplanets and relatively bright transient sources. If you go to this webpage from my 'Exoplanets' course, you can see a pair of examples:

  Q:  How much does each of the Evryscope's camera lenses cost?

  Q:  How many lenses does the Evryscope have?

The scientists running Evryscope recently published a paper describing the results of one small region of the southern sky, after only about 8 months of observations:

The very first few results from the TESS project have started to appear in the technical literature:

For more information

Creative Commons License Copyright © Michael Richmond. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.