Suppose we measure a flux in photons from this star to be F = 10^5 photons / sec / cm^2. Q: Calculate the luminosity of the star assuming a distance of d' = 100 pc = 3.08 x 10^(20) cm L' = F * 4 pi (d')^2 L' = 10^5 photon/s/cm^2 * 4 * pi * ( 3.08 x 10^(20) cm )^2 L' = 1.19 x 10^(47) photon/sec Q: Calculate the luminosity of the star assuming a distance of d = 105 pc = 3.23 x 10^(20) cm true L = 10^5 photon/s/cm^2 * 4 * pi * ( 3.23 x 10^(20) cm )^2 true L = 1.31 x 10^(47) photon/sec Q: What is the fractional error in the luminosity of the star? ( L' - true L ) fractional error = ----------------- L' = 0.010 = approx 10 percent Q: How does that compare to the fractional error in the distance? The fractional error in luminosity is TWICE the fractional error in distance.