Q: What is the value of the mass derivative in this shell? dM/dr = 2.76 x 10^(16) g/cm Q: What is the mass interior to the next-inner shell? M_new = M_old + (dM/dr) * dr = 1.989 x 10^(33) g + (2.76 x 10^(16) g/cm) * (-7.1 x 10^7 cm) = 1.989 x 10^(33) g - 1.96 x 10^(24) g = 1.988 899 999 8 x 10^(33) g A better way to describe the new mass is using the Q_M parameter. We can compute the change in QM with respect to radius via change in mass 1.96 x 10^(24) g delta_QM = -------------- = ---------------- total mass 1.989 x 10^(33) g = 9.85 x 10^(-10) Then we can compute the new QM value in the usual way. QM_new = QM_old + delta_QM = 3.46 x 10^(-9) + 9.85 x 10^(-10) = 4.45 x 10^(-9)