Q: What is the mean free path of light inside this cloud? 1 1 mfp L = ------------- = ---------------------------------- n * (pi r^2) 10^(-3) m^(-3) * pi * (2 x 10^(-7) m)^2 = 7.9 x 10^(15) m Q: What is the optical depth of the cloud? Since the cloud is D = 1 pc thick, the optical depth is the ratio of thickness to mean free path: D 3.08 x 10^(16) m tau = -------- = ----------------- = 3.88 L 7.9 x 10^(15) m Q: How many magnitudes of extinction will a star suffer as its light must pass through this cloud? The intensity of starlight will decrease to a value I -tau -3.88 ---- = e = e = 0.0206 I0 so the difference in magnitude will be mag - mag0 = -2.5 log10 (0.0206) = 4.2 mag So a star will appear fainter by 4.2 magnitudes if its light must pass through the cloud to reach us.