Q: Why doesn't the initial size of the cloud appear in this equation? Because the time doesn't depend on the initial size -- just the density! Larger clouds have stronger gravitational forces, but also a larger distance to fall .... and those two factors turn out to cancel each other exactly. Pretty cool. Q: Suppose that a cloud of 1 solar mass, M = 1.99 x 1030 kg, has an initial radius of 0.1 pc, R = 3 x 1015 m. Roughly how long will it take this cloud to collapse? M rho = -------------- = 1.76 x 10^(-17) kg/m^3 (4/3) pi R^3 3 pi tff = ( ----------- ) = 1.6 x 10^(13) s 32 G rho = 500,000 yr