Q: What is the number represented by the sequence of vertical (1) and horizontal (0) dashes for the line marked with "A"? in binary: 1011 0010 0110 0010 1011 1011 0111 1 in decimal: 374101871 Q: The wavelength of the 21-cm hydrogen transition is 21.106 cm. Can you figure out the PERIOD of that transition? c 2.99792458 x 10^(8) m/s frequency f21 = ---------- = ------------------------- wavelength 0.21106 m = 1.4204 x 10^(9) Hz 1 period P21 = ----- = 7.04020 x 10^(-10) seconds f Q: What is the period of the pulsar indicated by the line marked with "A", in seconds? pulsar period P = P21 * 374101871 = 7.04020 x 10^(-10) s * 374101871 = 0.26338 seconds