Q: What is the frequency on the date marked "1000"? f1 = approx 11.2085 Hz = 11.2085 rev/s P1 = 1/f1 = 1 / (11.2085 rev/s) = 0.089218 s Q: What is the frequency on the dark marked "5000"? f2 = approx 11.2030 Hz = 11.2030 rev/s P2 = 1/f2 = 1 / (11.2030 rev/s) = 0.089262 s Q: What is the change in period over these 4000 days? P2 - P1 = 0.089218 - 0.089262 = 0.0000438 s = 4.38 x 10^(-5) s