Q: What would be the power emitted by the body of a live human being, if we suspended it in some measuring chamber? A live human body has a temperature of 37 C, or 310 Kelvin. To a very rough approximation, the surface area of a human body is around 1 square meter. If we pretend that humans emit as blackbodies (not quite true, but within an order of magnitude), then Power = (area) * sigma * T^4 = (1 m^2) * (5.67 x 10^(-8) W/m^2-K^4) * (310 K)^4 = 523 Watts Note that this is just the energy emitted because the body is warm. This is NOT the same thing as the energy produced by the muscular actions of a body in motion (running, swimming, etc.). It _is_, by a coincidence, roughly the same size as the muscular power.