Q: Suppose the central region of the Sun has density rho, temperature T = 15 million K, and chemical composition X = 0.88 and X(CNO) = 0.02. Which process generates more power -- the proton-proton chain, or the CNO cycle? How much more? We can insert the values for temperature and chemical composition into the formula for epsilon(pp) to find the energy generated by the proton-proton chain; it will still have a factor of the density, rho, but that's okay. epsilon(pp) = 3.92 x 10^(4) * rho (J/s)/kg/(kg/m^3) We can repeat this procedure to compute the rate of energy generation via CNO cycle, which gives epsilon(CNO) = 3.57 x 10^(3) * rho (J/s)/kg/(kg/m^3) Clearly, in this region, the p-p chain produces more energy than the CNO cycle, by about one order of magnitude.