Q: Estimate the distance to KIC 8736245, using the formula (m - M) = 5 log d - 5 (13.79 - 3.86) = 5 log d - 5 5 log d = 14.93 d = 10^(14.93 / 5) d = 968 pc Q: How does this compare to the distance measured by Gaia using parallax? You can find the Gaia parallax at SIMBAD's entry for KIC 8736245 SIMBAD's entry says that the parallax to this star is parallax = 1.0897 milli-arcsec = 0.0010879 arcsec The distance is therefore distance = 1 / parallax = 1 / 0.0010879 = 918 pc That's pretty close to our estimate of 968 pc.