Some very short, simple functions:
- square.m
Calculates the square of a number.
- cube.m
Calculates the cube of a number.
- plusone.m
Adds one to a number.
- isperfect.m
Checks to see if a number is "perfect".
- count_odd.sci
Counts the number of odd numbers within a given range.
Functions showing input/output in MATLAB
- counter.m
Prints out numbers in a loop
- echo_number.m
Prompts user for a number, then echoes it.
- write_file.m
Creates a file on disk and fills with input from the user.
- read_file.m
Reads information from a file on disk, printing it to the screen.
- plot_from_file.m
Read data from a file with 4 columns, plots col 4 vs. col 2.
More complex functions, which check for valid input arguments:
- array_min.m
Finds the smallest numerical value in a 1-D array.
- array_max.m
Finds the largest numerical value in a 1-D array.
- array_extremes.m
Finds and returns _both_ the smallest and largest numerical
values in a 1-D array.
Illustrates how a function can return more than one value.
A function which illustrates feval:
- calculate.m
Calls a given function with a given single argument.
A function which illustrates strcmp:
- guess_letter.m
Plays a guessing game with the user.
Example of how one can split a single big program into a main
loop plus subroutines
- silly_pi.m
Calculate pi by successive approximations to
the area of a circle. No subroutines, all one
big program.
- silly_pi_2.m
Same program, now with main loop and a single
subroutine (area_inside), all in one
source code file.
- silly_pi_main.m
Main program only, requires external area_inside.m file
- area_inside.m
Subroutine only.