Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Review of Classical Mechanics
- Newton's Laws:
- Objects at rest remain at rest, in the absence of external
objects in motion remain in motion with constant
velocity, in the absence of external forces.
- F = ma
- For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
- Law of Universal Gravitation
- Energy:
- Kinetic energy
- Potential energy
- Each conservative force
has an associated potential energy
- Conserved quantities:
- Energy
- Linear Momentum
- Angular Momentum
- Stationary waves can be described by
- amplitude
- wavelength or wave number
- phase
- Travelling waves can be described by
- amplitude
- wavelength or wave number
- angular frequency or frequency
- phase
- wave speed
- Observers moving relative to each other see
events happen in slightly different ways;
their descriptions are connected by
the Galilean transformations, e.g.
x' = x - v*t
- Time flows uniformly everywhere.
- All objects have a position and velocity.
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Copyright © Michael Richmond.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.