Suppose that you measure two quantities, x +/- dx cm and y +/- dy cm. What happens to their uncertainties if you need to combine these values?
total length = (x + y) cm uncertainty in total length = (dx + dy) cm
difference in length = (x - y) cm uncertainty in difference = (dx + dy) cm
area of rectangle = (x * y) square cm uncertainty in area dx dy ------------------- = ( -- + -- ) (pure fraction) area x y dx dy uncertainty in area = ( -- + -- ) * ( area ) square cm x y
x ratio of length to width = --- (pure fraction) y uncertainty in ratio dx dy ------------------- = ( -- + -- ) (pure fraction) ratio x y dx dy uncertainty in ratio = ( -- + -- ) * ( ratio ) (pure fraction) x y
3 3 length cubed = x cm uncertainty in length cubed ( dx ) ---------------------------- = (----) * 3 (pure fraction) length cubed ( x ) dx 3 uncertainty in length cubed = (----) * 3 * (length cubed) cm x